Lee and Karen Duquette
at the Pineapple Fountain and more
in Charleston, South Carolina
February 2, 2024

The two RV Gypsies drove their car across the Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge (also known as the Ravenel Bridge and the Cooper River Bridge). The bridge first opened on July 16, 2005. It is a cable-stayed bridge over the Cooper River in South Carolina, connecting downtown Charleston to Mount Pleasant. The bridge has a main span of 1,548 feet, the third longest among cable-stayed bridges in the Western Hemisphere (at this time). It has eight 12-foot lanes (4 in each direction) and its height reaches 575 feet tall .Height clearance is 185 feet

Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge

Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge

Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge

Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge

Below: View from the bridge

Below: A cargo ship

View from the bridge

a cargo ship

Below: Painting on a wall in Charleston.

Painting on a wall in Charleston sC

Below: St. Philip's Church in Charleston, SC

St. Philip's Church in Charleston, SC

St. Philip's Church in Charleston, SC

Below: This is the second time that the two RV Gypsies have been to the Pineapple Fountain in Waterfront Park, an eight-acre park along one-half mile of the Cooper River in Charleston, SC. The park received the 2007 Landmark Award from the American Society of Landscape Architects and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. This award "recognizes a distinguished landscape architecture project completed between 15 and 50 years ago that retains its original design integrity and contributes significantly to the public realm of the community in which it is located".

The Two RV Gypsies at the the Pinapple Fountain in Waterfront Park

Karen Duquette at the Pinapple Fountain in Waterfront Park

the Pinapple Fountain in Waterfront Park in 2024

the Pinapple Fountain in Waterfront Park in 2024

Flashback noticeBelow: These photos are from June 20, 2017 - the two RV Gypsies' first time visiting the Pineapple water fountain

the Pinapple Fountain in Waterfront Park in 2017

the Pinapple Fountain in Waterfront Park in 2017

If you want to see the other photos they took nearby in 2017, which are very different from these, and include several other nearby areas not visited on this date, you may do so now, but be sure to return here. There is a link at the bottom of that 2017 Table of Content that will help you return to the 2024 Charleston TOC page.

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