Page 2 of 2 - Lee and Karen Duquette at a Christmas drive-through display
at Charlotte Speedway
December 20, 2023

Below: Looking across the track at the "walls of lights" that kept changing colors

wall of Lights at Charlotte Speedway

Below: Driving between the "walls of lights" (shown above) that kept changing colors

wall of Lights at Charlotte Speedway

wall of Lights at Charlotte Speedway
wall of Lights at Charlotte Speedway
wall of Lights at Charlotte Speedway

wall of Lights at Charlotte Speedway

wall of Lights at Charlotte Speedway

Below: Most photos were taken from the moving car. Even though Lee Duquette was driving slowly, the motion still made for some blurry photos. There were so many cars driving through here, that Lee felt like he should not stop, even though there was room provided for cars to pass the stopped or slower cars. It does not matter, because Karen Duquette still enjoyed the ride, the lights, and she likes the photos.

wall of Lights at Charlotte Speedway wall of Lights at Charlotte Speedway
Lit Christmas Tree at Charlotte Speedway Lit Christmas Tree at Charlotte Speedway
Lit Christmas Tree at Charlotte Speedway Lit Christmas Tree at Charlotte Speedway

Below: Snowflakes that illuminated a tree that changed colors.

snowflakes and illuminated tree that changed colors snowflakes and illuminated tree that changed colors
snowflakes and illuminated tree that changed colors snowflakes and illuminated tree that changed colors
snowflakes and illuminated tree that changed colors

Below: More Delights at Charlotte Speedway Christmas Lights

He is Born tennis players

Below: A short, lighted drive-through tunnel with changing lights.

drive-through tunnel with changing lights drive-through tunnel with changing lights
drive-through tunnel with changing lights drive-through tunnel with changing lights
drive-through tunnel with changing lights drive-through tunnel with changing lights
drive-through tunnel with changing lights

Below: Driving through the "square shaped" tunnel, which was followed by yet another tunnel.

square shaped tunnel with lights square shaped tunnel with lights
square shaped tunnel with lights square shaped tunnel with lights
square shaped tunnel with lights square shaped tunnel with lights
square shaped tunnel with lights

Below: The snowflake Christmas tree tunnel

snowflake Christmas tree tunnel snowflake Christmas tree tunnel
snowflake Christmas tree tunnel snowflake Christmas tree tunnel
snowflake Christmas tree tunnel
snowflake Christmas tree tunnel snowflake Christmas tree tunnel
angel snowflake girl in lights

Below: Driving through the enclosed area which is really the restroom area at the Charlotte Speedway.
But, no stopping allowed here today.

candy cane tunnel candy cane tunnel
candy cane tunnel candy cane tunnel

Below: Candy Canes and lollipops light the way for another tunnel with lights that changed colors

candy cane tunnel candy cane tunnel
red tunnel lights green tunnel lights
red and white tunne lights putple tunnel lights
red tunnel lights

Bellow: The "Just Imagine" space and rocket area.

Just Imagine space rocket
Just Imagine space rocket lights Just Imagine space rocket lights
space people in lights

Below: Driving past more lights filled with delight.

Christmas lights filled with delight soldier and Santa
Santa Claus and presents soldier
elves at work clown in lights

Below: Only one globe. But as Lee Duquette drove the car past the globe, Karen Duquette noticed the Snowman changing. She quickly snapped a bunch of photos of the globe and the one, ever changing, evolving snowman.

One ball snowman in snow globe two ball snomwan in snow globe
3 ball snowman in snow globe the snowman got buttons
The snowman got a scarf

Below: As their car reached the far end of the tunnel, Karen Duquette photographed a globe with a gingerbread house, trees and gingerbread man - SUDDENLY a female gingerbread person started to peep out from behind the tree.

gingerbread family snow globe snow globe

Below: A gingerbread child appeared ------- And then a little gingerbread girl joined the family

gingerbread family snow globe gingerbread family snow globe

Below: The gingerbread family danced around the Christmas tree.

gingerbread family snow globe gingerbread family snow globe
gingerbread family snow globe

Below: More Tunnels

tunnel tunnel Christmas lights
tunnel Christmas lights tunnel Christmas lights
tunnel Christmas lights tunnel Christmas lights
tunnel Christmas lights tunnel Christmas lights
tunnel Christmas lights

Exiting the food court area, there were lots more lights to enjoy.

soldier soldier
Christmas train

look below

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Christmas at Patriot's Park, Kings Mountain, North Carolina in 2023


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