Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

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The two RV Gypsies got lost in the Mirror Maze
at The Island in Pigeon Forge, TN
October 4, 2023

The two RV Gypsies spied the Mirror Maze and decided to go in and buy tickets.

outside of The Mirror Maze

Lee Duquette buying Mirror Maze tickets

Below: The Lobby

Lee Duquette in the Lobby of The Mirror Maze Lobby of The Mirror Maze

Below: A "USA flag" in lights in the lobby

USA flag in lights
Mirror Maze Island rules sign

Below: First views inside the mirror maze. Colored lights kept changing the experience and made it harder to explore.

blue Colored lights in the mirror maze green Colored lights in the mirror maze

Below: Lee Duquette led the way

Lee Duquette in the mirror maze
green Colored lights in the mirror maze

Below: But Lee Duquette quickly yelled, "Karen, where are you ? I am lost"

Lee Duquette in the mirror maze

"Here I am" said Karen Duquette - "I am busy taking photos, so smile!" - "Now I see you" said Lee as he took a photo of Karen.

Karen Duquette photograhing Lee Duquette in the mirror maze
Karen Duquette photograhing Lee Duquette in the mirror maze

Below: Karen Duquette was never sure if she was photographing Lee for real, or the Lee in the mirror.
(Clue - Duh! If there is more than one Lee, than it is a mirror shot)

One Karen Duquette - 2-1/2 Lee Duquettes three Lee Duquettes and One Karen Duquette
Lee Duquette lost in the Mirror Maze Lee Duquette lost in the Mirror Maze

Below: How many Lee's can be found in the mirrors?

How many Lee's can be found in the mirrors How many Lee's can be found in the mirrors
pink and purple mirror maze
red mirror maze Karen Duquette in the mirror maxe
colorful mirror maze colorful mirror maze
the two RV Gypsies in a colorful mirror maze
The two RV Gypsies lost in the mirror maze Lee Duquette lost in the Mirror Maze
The two RV Gypsies in the mirror maze Lee Duquette in 3-D glasses
Karen Duquette in the mirror maze two Karen Duquette's in the mirror maze

Below: How many Karen Duquette's exist in the mirror maze? - Karen can actually hold her own hand. Oh Joy!

How many Karen Duquette's exist in the mirror maze How many Karen Duquette's exist in the mirror maze
The two RV Gypsies in the mirror maze Karen Duquette in the mirror maze
the two RV Gypsies in the mirror maze
the two RV Gypsies in the mirror maze
look below

This was actually the 3rd mirror maze the two RV Gypsies have enjoyed. To see the other times in other places, go to TOC-M and scroll down. But be sure to return here to continue the 2023 adventures.

FYI: They have also enjoyed two different types of mirror mazes in other places that changed the way they looked - fat, skinny, tall, or short and those can also be reached from TOC-M.

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on to The Rocky Top Mountain Coaster in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. The two RV Gypsies rode this coaster several times during daylight and also at night, which gave a very different experience.


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