Page 4 of 4 inside the American Celebration of Parade's amazing float presentation arena.

divider bar of stars

Below: Standing in front of where page 3 ended and looking at the next section of floats and photos, starting with The White House and the macaws up high in the ceiling.

parorama looking forward The White House
sign about the colorful macaws Macaws perched high abvoe
divider bar

Below: Since Lee and Karen Duquette have just finished the first half of the room, they approached the train from the back side as they made their way back to the front of the room.

back side of train and big blcoks Lee Duquette by the train

Below: As Lee Duquette approached the side of the train, he decided to take a short break, now that the guide had left. He just wanted a few minutes to reflect on all the information the guide gave him.

side view of the train Lee Duquette resting by the train
panorama of the train
panorama of the train
The Royal Treatment Limo sign
Rolls-Royce Phantom III
Rolls-Royce Phantom III and Lee Duquette
Rolls-Royce Phantom III and Lee Duquette sign about the limo

Below: The Steering wheel, fancy decor on windshield, and fur covering on the limo.

gold fluff and black fur limo steering wheel
fun facts about the dragon float dragon float
fire-breathing dragon float
gold divider bar

Below: Lee and Karen Duquette made their way back towards the front and explored the items in front of the train, along the wall.

Karen Duquette - Proud to be an American
Norden Bombsight Shenandoah Caverns float

Below: Karen Duquette enjoyed the seat in-between The Blues Brothers

Karen Duquette enjoyed seat in-between The Blues Brothers Karen Duquette
Indian and a big animal bird
gold divider bar

Below: A panorama of items already seen plus Cinderella's carriage

Cinderella Carriage Cinderella poster
Cinderella Carriage Cinderella Carriage
Cinderella Carriage

Below: A last treat as Karen Duquette approached the exit door, she decided to sit inside of a float and it made her realize how little the driver sees.

Karen Duquette inside a parade float Karen Duquette inside a parade float

Below: The view out the front window of the float, and the view down by Karen Duquette's feet.

Karen Duquette inside a parade float inside a parade float

Below: A pole wrapped in music notes.

A pole wrapped in music notes

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go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Harrisonburg VA and The Fireman Museum inside Harrisonburg Public Safety Building

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