Karen Duquette and line dance friends
in McAdenville North Carolina
December 12, 2022

Situated within 1.5 square miles of historic charm, McAdenville is proof that the best things really do come in small packages. Each season just west of Charlotte, the quaint town of McAdenville becomes a Christmas wonderland. Almost overnight, the little textile-town-that-could is transformed into Christmas Town U.S.A.®, attracting visitors from across the country. Visitors can walk OR drive through McAdenville’s downtown and see hundreds of brightly illuminated red, white and green Christmas trees aglow along the Christmas Town U.S.A. ® route.

Karen Duquette walked the town with some members of the line dance group from Kings Mountain NC.

Karen Duquette ready to go to McAdenville the line dance group from Kings Mountain NC
McAdenville sign McAdenville sign

Below: Brightly colored Christmas lights on floating trees made amazing reflections in the water.

Brightly colored Christmas lights on floating trees Brightly colored Christmas lights on floating trees
Brightly colored Christmas lights on floating trees clothespin tree

Below: The Majority of the houses were decorated for Christmas. But Karen Duquette only photographed a few of the houses.

house decorated for Christmas house decorated for Christmas
house decorated for Christmas house decorated for Christmas

Below: The house shown below got a lot of attention because the top window was full of animated elves in their workshop. The bottom window had a REAL SANTA CLAUS walking back and forth in front of the window, sometimes waving, and sometimes even eating a cookie. Karen Duquette took a video but does not know how to post it here. (Any help out there????)

Santa Claus in the window
carolers trees with Chrismas lights
Karen Duquette by an Armed Forces sign manger

Below: Once in awhile, something interesting would be in someone's window.

a lamp with one leg Santa Claus in the window

Below: Most houses also had interesting things in the yard, but since Karen Duquette was with other people that were very fast walkers, and not photographers, she could not stop too long to take photos. Nobody else in the group took photos.

lit up snowmen Santa Claus and a small RV

Below: This was very strange for several reasons. First of all, most neighborhoods like this do not allow RVs in the driveway. Second of all, why was a statue pretending to empty the tank? It did not seem very appropriate nor Christmas-like.


Below: A few days later, Karen Duquette attended a line dance Christmas Party in Monroe, NC. As usual, she was the most costumed person, this time as an elf. Of course, there was no costume requirement nor contest. But there was a lot of fun line dancing. (This is sure NOT Florida anymore)

Karen Duquette and the line dance gang
look below

please continue on to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on to Christmas 2022 with family


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