map showing location of Palo Duro Canyon State Park within Texas
The Two RV Gypsies at
Palo Duro Canyon State Park
July 12, 2012 and again on
October 9, 2022

Palo Duro Canyon is a canyon system located in the Texas Panhandle near the city of Amarillo, Texas, United States. As the second largest canyon in the United States, it is roughly 120 miles long and has an average width of 6.2 miles, but reaches a width of 20 miles at places. Its depth is around 820 feet, but in some locations it can increase up to 997 feet.

Palo Duro Canyon has been named The Grand Canyon of Texas both for its size and for its dramatic geological features, including the multicolored layers of rock and steep mesa walls similar to those in the Grand Canyon.

The canyon was formed by the Prairie Dog Town Fork of the Red River. Water erosion over the millennia has shaped the canyon's geological formations. (scroll down for photos).


Below: The first seven (7) photos below are from 2022. But most of the photos on this page are from 2012 because there was no reason to take as many photos the second time here. There is a size differences in the photos. The 2022 photos are slightly bigger.

Palo Duro Canyon State Park sign entry fee sign
Civilian Conservation Corps sign
rock and map 2022 scenery
2022 scenery 2022 scenery

Below: A Panorama view from the Interpretive Center in 2012

panorama View from the Interpretive Center

The two RV Gypsies did not hike any trails. All photos were taken from lookout points or just along the road.

Palo Duro Canyon State Park view from Interpretive Center
Palo Duro Canyon State Park view from Interpretive Center
Palo Duro Canyon State Park view from Interpretive Center
Palo Duro Canyon State Park view from Interpretive Center

The Grand Canyon of Texas is something not to be missed. Then again, it is so vast, you could not miss it if you tried.

Palo Duro Canyon State Park view from Interpretive Center
Palo Duro Canyon State Park view from Interpretive Center
The Grand Canyon of Texas
The Grand Canyon of Texas
The Grand Canyon of Texas
The Grand Canyon of Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
rock formation in Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
rock formation in Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
panorama of Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Karen Duquette at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
The Two RV Gypsies at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas

Below: Sixteen miles of scenic drives wind through the canyon.

a flower in Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
flowers in Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Karen Duquette at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Karen Duquette at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Karen Duquette at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Karen Duquette at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas

The two photos just above (in 2012) and the two photos just below (in 2022) are obviously from the same area.
(All the 2012 photos are just a bit smaller than the 2022 photos)

Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022
Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022
Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022
Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022
Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022
Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022
Karen Duquete at Palo Duro Canyon in 2022
Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022
Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022
Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022
Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022
Palo Duro Canyon scenery 2022

Below: 2012 photos

panorama at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
panorama at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
panorama at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas
a bit of water
a bit of water
look below

This is not a linear site, so there are always choices of where to go next: Below are multiple choices.

You may view these sites in the order of your choice. There will be a links at the bottom of each page, for continued navigation, so you do not have to return here if you are visiting the sites in the order they occur.

bullet Scenery Arriving in Texas from NM - the leaning water tower, a big cross and more

bullet Overnite RV Park in Amarillo, TEXAS - rained the first night so only a few photos of the campground

bullet Route 66 in Amarillo, TX - visitor center and Historic 6th Street on U.S. Route 66, TX

bullet Palo Duro Canyon State Park in Canyon, TX (a combination of 2012 and 2022 visits) - this page)

go to the next adventure AFTER you have seen all of the above, continue on to Oklahoma


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