The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
rode a Segway in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
June 11, 2021

USA map showing location of PennsylvaniaUSA Eastern Coast map showing locationof Pittsburg PA

Pittsburgh is located in the southwest portion of the state, at the confluence of the Allegheny River and the Monongahela River, forming the Ohio River. Pittsburgh is known both as "the Steel City" for its more than 300 steel-related businesses and as the "City of Bridges" for its 446 bridges. Pittsburgh also features 30 skyscrapers, 2 incline railways, and the Point State Park at the confluence of the rivers. The region is a hub for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and energy extraction. It has 58.3 square miles of which 55.6 square miles is land and 2.8 square miles is water. The 80th meridian west passes directly through the city's downtown. The downtown is known as "the Golden Triangle".

downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The two RV Gypsies drove their toad to downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to take their 28th Segway tour. They arrived a bit early, so took a few photos in the area while waiting for the tour guide, the Segways, and the other riders to arrive.

sign about The Three Rivers Stadium sign about the First Professional Football Game
Lewis and Clark Expedition stone green monument
water fountain and yellow bridge downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2-sided North Shore sign 2-sided North Shore sign

Below: A mural on the wall in a downtown parking lot.

mural on the wall in a downtown parking lot

Below: All of the photos below were taken while the two RV Gypsies were on their 28th Segway tour - this time in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania of course.

The Segways
Karen Duquette ready for the Segway tour

This was a glide around waterfalls, fountains, parks, and more. But because the training of the other people took so long, they did not get to go to some of the places mentioned on the Segway website. Non-the-less, the two RV Gypsies enjoyed the tour. Since there was only one guide, and because the two RV Gypsies are experienced riders, they brought up the rear of the line, as usual. Lee Duquette likes to be last, so he is always photographing Karen Duquette's backside.

Karen Duquette on the Pittsburgh Segway tour
Karen Duquette on the Pittsburgh Segway tour
Karen Duquete on the Pittsburgh Segway tour
Karen Duquete on the Pittsburgh Segway tour
The two RV Gypsies on a Segway tour
Karen Duquette on the Pittsburgh Segway tour
water fountain
Karen Duquette downtown Pittsburgh a tall building in downtown Pittsburgh
tall buildings in downtown Pittsburgh tall buildings in downtown Pittsburgh
The Segways at break time tall buildings
fancy arch Karen Duquette at the fancy arch
art on the arch art on the arch
art on the arch
panorama of downtown Pittsburgh
the two RV Gypsies on Segways
downtown Pittsburgh Pennsylvania downtown Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
downtown Pittsburgh Pennsylvania downtown Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
art stadium

On June 12, 2021, while eating at Tequila Cowboy's Bar and Grill, the two RV Gypsies sometimes glanced at the TV near them. They had been watching Denmark's opening game against Finland at the time. Christian Eriksen, a Danish professional Footballer (aka soccer player) was down and the game halted. The players surrounded their teammate as he lay on the ground. To protect their downed teammate, players stood with their backs to the downed player so the TV Cameras could only film them and not their downed teammate. The game was then stopped completely. Later, everyone learned that Christian Eriksen had a cardiac arrest. He was resuscitated with CPR and a defibrillator and taken to the hospital. For more on him, plus his future since this event, click here.

TV news about Christian Eriksen Tequila Cowboy bar and Grill

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TOC-Countries and Cruices
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Art, carvings, murals, sculptures
Caampgrounds the two RV Gypsies stayed in
Gardens the two RV Gypsies visited
Lighthouses the two RV Gypsies visited
Museums the two RV gypsies have visited
National Parks the two RV Gypsies visited
Oddities seen by the two RV gypsies
Restaurants the two RV Gypsies have visited
State Parks the two RV gypsies visited
Videos taken by the two RV Gypsies
Waterfalls the two RV gypsies have visited
Wildlifethe two RV gysies have seen