Karen Duquette (aka - The Skunk) Celebrated Halloween in 2020

Due to the Coronavirus, there was not much Halloween in 2020. Karen Duquette did get to attend one party with only 10 people in attendance and plenty of room for social distancing. Karen won the $25 gift certificate for best costume.

Mike Howard made a Halloween collage from several previous years (these costumes were not in attendance THIS year and Karen Duquette was not at the previous parties to meet those costumes). But, Mike added a very small Karen "the skunk" into the collage shown below because he liked her costume this year.

Halloween collage
Halloween party notice
Karen Duquette - the  Skunk Karen Duquette - the  Skunk

Skunks are fun party critters

Karen Duquette - the  Skunk skunk clipart

Karen Duquette put out a few Halloween decorations. Karen made the smaller pumpkin from a "Tide" container.

tissue holder pumpkins

Below: Houses in Riverwalk that were decorated with scary Halloween stuff.

Halloween house

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go to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesContinue on to Riverfront Park in Columbia, SC - miles of paved trail on the levee between the Columbia Canal and Broad River, plus a hydraulic turbine house, a Dam, Fall colors and more


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