Lee and Karen Duquette, The Two RV Gypsies
drove to Sky Valley
in the Blue Ridge Mountains on Highway 246
in Rabun County
October 26, 2020
USA map showing location of GeorgiaEast Coast USA map showing location of Sky Valley GAGeorgia map and Rabun County map

Sky Valley is the highest city in the state of GEORGIA. Located at the intersection of the Georgia and North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains between Clayton, Georgia, and Highlands, North Carolina, Sky Valley is surrounded by the Nantahala National Forest. Sky Valley has pristine mountain terrain featuring waterfalls, hiking trails and awesome long range views. Elevations range from 3,200 to 4,200 feet.

The centerpiece in the city is the 15,000-square-foot Sky Valley Country Club facility, which is open to the public.

Sky Valley City Limit sign Sky Valley Georgia billboard
fall decoration on a street corner Blue Ridge Divide elevation sign
Sky Valley GA Overlook billboard The valley below
hay bales and Welcome to Sky Valley sign

Below: Both sides of the above hay bale.

hay bales Give Thanks hay bales

Below: Both sides of a Happy Fall hay bale.

Happy Fall hay bales back side of Happy Fall hay bales

Below: Both sides of the pumpkin faces hay bales.

pumpkin hay bales pumpkin hay bales

Below: More hay bales in Sky Valley, Georgia

big teddy bear hay bale decorated hay bale
cow hay bale

look below

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on to Mud Creek Falls in Sky Valley, Rabun County, Georgia


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