Lee and Karen Duquette, The Two RV Gypsies
enjoyed Fall colors at Beech Mountain, NC
October 7, 2020
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Beech Mountain is a town in the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains in both Avery and Watauga counties. It’s known for the Beech Mountain Resort, with ski trails, a summit deck with panoramic views and a terrain park. Numerous mountain trails include the creek side Falls Trail, which leads to a waterfall. The Emerald Outback at Beech Mountain is an all-season trail park.

Beech Mountain is the highest town east of the Rocky Mountains at 5,506 feet in elevation. The nearest municipality at a higher elevation is Des Moines, New Mexico, some 1,220 miles away. The town relies heavily on tourism.

Blue Ridge Parkway sign welcome to Beech Mountain sign
overlook view of mountains
elevation 4,892 feet at overlook
fall colors autumn foliage
Tee City USA sing large pinecomes
Welcome to Beech Mountain sign
explore Beech Mountain flag Beech Mountain sign on pole
Beech Mountain Visitor Center tin scarecrow in Beech Mtn visitor center
sign - elevation 5, 084 feet
USA flag and Beech Mountain plaque Beech Mountain sign
big rock Hike the Day away sign

Below: While enjoying an outdoor picnic lunch, the picnic bench BROKE!

Lee Duquette at the picnic table broken picnic bench
Children's Garden sign Children's Garden sign
garden display flower
Beech Life sign
Biking rocks sign black raven
Beech Park sign Halloween display
fall colors fall colors
fall colors wooden horse
houses high on a hill
houses high on a hill houses high on a hill
fall colors divider bar

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