Lee and Karen Duquette, The Two RV Gypsies
saw what is questionably cited as
The World's Largest Basket
511 Main Street
Dresden, Ohio
July 16, 2020

USA map showing location of Ohiomap of Ohio showing location of Dresden

historyDresden is a village in Jefferson and Cass townships in Muskingum County, Ohio, along the Muskingum River at the mouth of Wakatomika Creek. It was incorporated on March 9, 1835.

World's Largest Basket sign

The Village of Dresden claims this is The World's Largest Basket on the corner of Main Street and Fifth Street. However, Longaberger spent $30 million to build a replica of this basket, 160 times larger in Newark, Ohio. That one measures 192 feet long and 126 feet wide at the bottom, spreading to 208 feet long and 142 feet wide at the roof line. It was actually used as a 7-story office building. But some reports say that in 2019 the basket was gutted and turned into a luxury hotel, so this one in Dresden would still be The World's Largest Basket.

The World's Largest Basket handles for The World's Largest Basket

Below: The two RV Gypsies shopped in the Humble Heart store in Dresden. It had a huge inventory of unique items, including Longaberger Baskets.

Humble Heart sign outside of The Humble Heart store

Dave W. Longaberger (1934-1999) was an American businessman who founded the Longaberger Company, makers of handcrafted maple wood baskets and accessories. Dave has two daughters, Tami Longaberger, who was CEO of the Longaberger Company, and Rachel Longaberger Stukey, President of the Longaberger Foundation.

Longaberger grew up in a poor family of 14. He suffered from a stuttering problem and epilepsy, and did not graduate from High School until he was 21. He began his basket business in 1971.

Longaberger was also a philanthropist, focusing on Dresden, Ohio. It has been said that he gave millions of dollars to the local community and schools, and provided much-needed services to the community.

Dave Longaberger Memorial in Dresden Dave Longaberger Memorial in Dresden
Dave Longaberger Memorial in Dresden memorable rock at Dave Longaberger Memorial in Dresden
memorable rock at Dave Longaberger Memorial in Dresden memorable rock at Dave Longaberger Memorial in Dresden

Below: The two RV Gypsies ate at The Warehouse Restaurant in Dresden, Ohio. The food and service was very good.

The Warehouse Restaurant in Dresden, Ohio Legendary Onion Ring sign

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