Below: Panther Falls Road
(FDR-315) is a narrow, curvy, gravel road, 3.5 miles long, with steep
drop-offs and ditches. As Lee Duquette drove their car, Karen Duquette
tried looking as far ahead around the corners for on-coming cars. |
Below: The hike
was short and level and not very hard, although the two RV Gypsies had
to be careful not to trip over multiple tree roots along the way. |
Below: The two RV Gypsies
found the trail to be extremely MUDDY from being crossed by small streams.
They recommend caution and proper shoes on this and all hiking trails. |
Below: The two RV Gypsies
arrived at Panther Falls just as a group of young people had finished
swimming, so the nice youngsters took a photo of Karen and Lee Duquette. |
Below: Then Lee Duquette took
a couple of selfies. Lee Duquette has finally learned to smile while
taking selfies. Often he is so focused on what is in the background
that he forgets to smile. (Oldsters can learn new tricks too!) ha! ha! |
Below: This is where the young
people had been swimming when the two RV Gypsies first arrived here.
An undercut ledge rings the pool and currents can be strong, making
climbing out of the water challenging and requires caution. Not something
to two RV Gypsies want to do, especially in this cooler weather. |
Below: Different
views of the waterfall. Lee and Karen Duquette find themselves alone
so often, so they have learned to be extra cautious because there is
no help around if they get hurt. |
Below: Karen Duquette photographed
the flow of water from each side of the big boulder she was standing
on. |
Below: Then
it was time for the two RV Gypsies to hike back to their car. |