The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at Madison Blue Spring State Park
8300 State Road 6
Lee, Florida 32059
phone '850.971.5003
April 29, 2016
USA map showing location of Floridamap of Florida showing location of Madison

Madison Blue Spring State Park is a Florida State Park, located approximately ten miles east of Madison on the west bank of the Withlacoochee River. It contains one of the state's 33 first magnitude springs. This crystal clear, first magnitude spring is a popular spot for swimming (although nobody was swimming here on this date). About 82 feet wide and 25 feet deep, the spring bubbles up into a limestone basin along the west bank of the Withlacoochee River. Scenic woodlands of mixed hardwoods and pines create a picturesque setting for picnicking, paddling, and wildlife viewing. (But not on this date due to the amount of mosquitoes here)

history bookMadison Blue Spring is known for its cool waters and underwater caves. The park was established after a private owner sold 38 acres at the spring in 2000. The plant opened in 2004. Water from this operation is used for Zephyrhills bottled water brands.

Madison Ble Spring State Park entrance sign Lee City Limit sign

The GPS did not bring the two RV Gypsies directly to this park, but they did eventually get there. It was not exactly what the two RV Gypsies expected. Karen Duquette expected to be able to do some swimming here, but on this date, the water level was just too high. A few days previously, this park was closed due to extremely high water levels. This place is best used for scuba divers because there are underwater caves. Kayakers also like the area. However, even the scuba divers did not stay very long here on this date. Mosquitoes were out in full-force. There was only one kayaker in the area.

the two RV Gypsies at Madison Blue Spring State Park
Madison Blue Spring State Park Madison Blue Spring State Park
Madison Blue Spring State Park Madison Blue Spring State Park
Madison Blue Spring State Park Madison Blue Spring State Park
Madison Blue Spring State Park Madison Blue Spring State Park
Madison Blue Spring State Park Karen Duquette at Madison Blue Spring State Park

Below: Karen Duquette went down the stairs and into the cold water, but since the water was very deep on this date, she did not wander too far from the staircase. Karen could not even touch the bottom of the spring floor by the stairs. Lee Duquette does not like to go into water this cold.

Karen Duquette in Madison Blue Spring State Park  waters Karen Duquette in Madison Blue Spring State Park  waters
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in Madison, Lee, and Live Oak, Florida
April 28 - 29, 2016
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bullet Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park in Madison, Florida

bullet Madison Blue Spring State Park in Lee, Florida (this page)

bullet Suwannee River State Park in Live Oak, Florida

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go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies in 2016AFTER you have viewed all of the sites above, please continue on to the Emerald Coast on Northwest Florida - a Segway tour of Pensacola plus a dolphin tour boat excursion in Destin and more.


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