The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
spent a day in the City of Hope
and enjoyed the carvings, flowers, flags and the river.
July 12, 2015

experience Hope sign

clipart laughing dudeThe two RV Gypsies had some silly fun at Hope's Visitor Center.

the two RV Gypsies rafting cartoon

Lee Duquette is Rambo

Below: Then the two RV Gypsies walked around the small town of Hope and enjoyed the carvings. Not all of the carvings had plaques.

The carving Harry

The carving Harry

carving with a face

Big Horn sheep carving



chainsaw carving sign

chainsaw carving

plaque for Chip the dog

carving for Chip the dog


Lee Duquette and a bear carving in Hope

bear carving

plaque for the bear carving

animal carving

wings carving

history book clipartbig sign about Fort Hope

Rotary International fishing carving

sign: Hope Centennial Park




hanging basket of flowers

Rotary Centennial Park sign


Hope Rotary carving sign

Hope Rotary carving

Hope Rotary carving

Hope Rotary carving

The two RV Gypsies were really impressed with the many intricate details of this carving so a couple of close-ups of the carving shown above are posted below.

eyeball ring

face on the cane

Below: More carvings.



Below: Three murals on a wall that are the result of a youth art workshop titled "Different Like Me" and dealt with Bullying, Racism and Hate. Karen Duquette was really impressed with these.

love thisyourth murals sign


Bullying mural

Racism mural

Hate mural

mural on a store building

District of Hope carving

Below: Hope Memorial Park

Hope Memorial Park

Hope Memorial Park

entrance to Hope Memorial ParkHope Memorial Park plaque

Hope Spirit Square

Friendship Garden plaque

Below: The entrance to the Friendship Garden.

entrance to the Friendship Garden

entrance to the Friendship Garden

entrance to the Friendship Garden

entrance to the Friendship Garden

Hope sign

Next to the pavilion (with the sign shown above), there were two sets of poles with flags from other countries plus Canada's Presidencies. Karen Duquette photographed the many sides of each pole.

Friendship Flags

Friendship Flags

Friendship Flags Friendship Flags
Friendship Flags Friendship Flags
Friendship Flags Friendship Flags

Below; Mountains surround the city of Hope on three sides.

Below: A beautiful clock

city street in Hope and a mountain the town clock

Below: The two RV Gypsies ate at 291 Wallace Street Restaurant. the food was ok.

293 Wallace Street Restaurant sign 293 Wallace Street Restaurant
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