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Ladder Creek Falls

- The night lights -
July 3, 2015

The falls and trail are illuminated at night with colored lights. The light show remains an attraction, running a 15 minute repeating program from dusk until midnight year-round, but the falls are enjoyable at any time, day or night.

sign about Lighting of the falls

Ladder Creek Powerhouse at night

Ladder Creek Powerhouse at night

The falls were difficult to photograph at night, but the two RV Gypsies liked the results anyway. Colors kept changing, and it was such a serene, peaceful place to be. Of course, it was so awesome in person and these pictures cannot come anywhere near doing justice to the occasion. Unfortunately, by now Karen Duquette's sister, Ilse Blahak had already left for the airport to return home.

Karen Duquette at Ladder Creek Falls

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

Ladder Creek Falls at night

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