The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
on their 21st Segway tour
this time with "Segway Tours of Gettysburg"
22 Springs Avenue
Gettysburg, PA 17325
June 22, 2017

for reservations call '717.253.7957 or '1.888.4SEGTOURS

USA map showing location of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania map showing location of Gettysburg

Pennsylvania welcome sign

This was the 21st time that the two RV Gypsies have taken a Segway tour; this time at Segway Tours of Gettysburg. They were originally scheduled for June 21st, but after they drove one hour to get there, the weather report said some severe thunderstorms were expected. So the two RV Gypsies watched the mandatory training video and rode through the indoor obstacle training course. Then they returned the next morning for the actual tour and had beautiful weather.

The two RV Gypsies chose the non-history Segway ride because they have been to the battlefield before, and just wanted to enjoy the Segway experience this time. (There is a link to that web page at the bottom of this page.) However, they have heard wonderful comments about the audio historical Segway tours as well.

Their guide, Jessie, was very entertaining with non-historical comments along the way, and she often had the two RV Gypsies laughing. (They were the only people on this tour) This was a wonderful way to enjoy the battlefield. Cruising along on a Segway, feeling the light breeze, and enjoying the scenery. Who could ask for anything more!

SAY WHAT !!! - Strangely enough, Karen Duquette felt a weird sensation on the back of her right leg during part of the ride. At first she thought a fly or something was on her leg, but nothing was there. She did not mention it to the guide because it was so strange. But she did ask Lee Duquette to check and he did not see anything on Karen. This happened several times on this Segway tour. They were in a battlefield - soooooooooooo anything could have been the cause of this strange event.

Bottled water was provided along with some healthy snacks (see photo below). In all the other tours that the two RV Gypsies have taken, no snacks were ever provided. What an extra pleasant touch. Jessie took pictures of the two RV Gypsies along the way, which were available FREE on-line later on the same day. This was only the second time a tour has offered this. Lee Duquette also took a few photos during scheduled stops.


If your are new to riding a Segway, here is an opportunity to experience the Segway in an indoor environment. After training, you will have the opportunity to ride in the indoor Segway Obstacle Course for 10 minutes. Since it is indoors, this is a wonderful way to experience the Segway for the first time or in bad weather. Unfortunately, Karen Duquette did not photograph the indoor course.

The two RV Gypsies took the Outdoor, non-history tour. They highly recommend this Segway experience.

Karen Duquette and Jessie the guide

Karen Duquette and Jessie the guide

Below: The Pennsylvania Monument, dedicated in 1910, is inscribed with the names of Pennsylvania soldiers who were at the Battle of Gettysburg.

Below: 72nd Pennsylvania Infantry Monument


The Pennsylvania Monument
72nd Pennsylvania Infantry Monument
Karen Duquette on the Segway tour

Below: Each Segway is named after a horse. Karen Duquette's Segway was named "Hero". So, below, while on the Segway tour, she pointed at the statue of Hero. This is actually known as Lieutenant-General James Longstreet Equestrian Statue.
(Close-up photos of the statue is below the photo of Karen Duquette on the Segway known as "Hero")

Karen Duquette pointing at Hero

Lieutenant-General James Longstreet Equestrian Statue HERO

Below: The monument to the 78th and 102nd New York Volunteer Infantry Regiments is southeast of Gettysburg on Slocum Avenue. It was dedicated by the State of New York in 1888.

The 78th New York was commanded at the Battle of Gettysburg by Lieutenant Colonel Herbert Von Hammerstein. It brought 198 men to the field, losing 6 killed, 21 wounded and 3 missing.

The 102nd New York was commanded at Gettysburg by Colonel James C. Lane. He was wounded on July 2, and Captain Lewis R. Stegman took command. The 102nd brought 248 men to the field, losing 4 killed, 17 wounded and 8 missing.

The regiments fought side by side throughout the war and were consolidated into one unit in July of 1864 due to casualties.

8th and 102nd New York Volunteer Infantry

8th and 102nd New York Volunteer Infantry

The two RV Gpsies riding their Segways The two RV Gpsies riding their Segways

the two RV Gypsies

the two RV Gypsies and a duck

Below: The State of Maryland monument is a bronze statue on a granite base. The statue is by Lawrence M. Ludke, and is of two wounded Marylanders, one Union and one Confederate, helping each other on the battlefield. It was dedicated on November 13, 1994. The back of the base of the monument has a bronze tablet listing the Maryland commands of both armies that fought at Gettysburg.

State of Maryland monument

the two RV Gypsies on Segways

Below: The Virginia Monument is a Battle of Gettysburg memorial to the commonwealth's "Sons at Gettysburg" (Battlefield) with a bronze statue of Robert E. Lee on his horse Traveller and a "bronze group of figures representing the Artillery, Infantry, and Cavalry of the Confederate Army". The equestrian statue is atop a granite pedestal and the group of six standing figures is on a sculptured bronze base with the figures facing the Field of Pickett's Charge and the equestrian statue of Union General George G. Meade on Cemetery Ridge.

The two RV Gypsies at The Virginia Monument

The Virginia Monument

Below: The North Carolina Monument is a North Carolina memorial of the American Civil War commemorating the 32 Carolina regiments in action at the Battle of Gettysburg. The monument is a public artwork by American sculptor Gutzon Borglum located on Seminary Ridge, West Confederate Avenue.

Surrounded by dogwood trees (the North Carolina state tree), the monument features figures of North Carolina infantrymen advancing during Pickett's Charge, where fifteen infantry regiments from North Carolina participated and suffered heavy casualties. One man kneels injured on the ground, pointing towards the enemy with his proper left hand while two men wield guns and look forward. A fourth man holds a flag in both hands as he glances forward. The sculpture is signed "Gutzon Borglum 1929 (illegible) AKUNST FDY NYC". The back of the base is inscribed: "NORTH CAROLINA".

Karen Duquette and an NC plaque

The North Carolina Monument

The North Carolina Monument

Union Fishhook sign

Below: Little Round Top is about two miles south of town on the south side of the Gettysburg battlefield. It was one of the key positions in the Union line during the Battle of Gettysburg and was the scene of intense fighting on July 2nd. Today it is covered with monuments commemorating the men who fought there and is one of the most popular sites at Gettysburg National Battlefield Park.

The summit of Little Round Top stands at 650 feet above sea level, making it the second highest hill on the battlefield. (Big Round Top is 780 feet, Oak Hill just a little lower at 640 feet, and Culp's Hill at 630 feet.)

The summit of the hill is about 60 feet above the saddle that connects with Big Round Top to the south, about 150 feet above Plum Run to the west and about 90 feet higher than the highest parts of the Devil's Den and Houck's Ridge on the other side of Plum Run's valley, known as the Valley of Death.

summit of the hill

statue at Little Round Top

statue at Little Round Top

Valley of Death sign

Valley of Death panorama

sign about sharpshooters

Below: Stevens Battery, 5th Maine Artillery Monument

Below: A smooth pathway for the Segways

Stevens Battery,

Karen Duquette and  Jessie

Below: Unity Park and a young drummer boy statue

Below: The Ice Cream store

Unity Park

Ice Cream store

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return to a previous page To see more monuments and their descriptions, plus some history of Gettysburg National Military Park and the Battle of Gettysburg, check out the two RV Gypsies visit here in 2014. But be sure to return here later, via the link towards the bottom of that page.

June 24, 2017- The two RV Gypsies were heading back to Florida for their daughter's birthday, but they had to stop in Gaffney, South Carolina for yet more RV Repairs. They were stuck there for several days. Then on June 27, 2017, which is the birthday of their son, Brian Duquette (who is heaven), Karen and Lee Duquette visited Lee's family in Tega Cay, South Carolina. So as always, Karen wore the BLD shirt she made that has a heart on it and Brian's initials. They spent the day with Lee Duquette's brother Jim, his wife and their grandchildren.

Finally, two RV Gypsies arrived in Florida just in time for their daughter's birthday and enjoyed family and friend time with no photos taken for several days because this had been their home town for many years before selling their house and traveling full-time in their RV.

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies July 8, 2017 - The two RV Gypsies took their great-grandson, Anthony, to Pompano Beach to enjoy time in the ocean.


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