The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
enjoyed the downtown waterfront in
Charleston, South Carolina
June 2, 2017

The two RV Gypsies parked their car at the Charleston Welcome Center which on this date cost $1 for each half hour, but the first half hour was free. (prices quoted on this website are always subject to change). Then they got on the free shuttle bus to go to the downtown waterfront area, a nautical theme area with a pier, cafe, gift shop, scenic harbor views, and water fountains for kids to play in.

Karen Duquette and a water fountain Karen Duquette and a water fountain

Below: The only reason Karen Duquette did not get wet in the water fountain like she often does, was because the two RV Gypsies had to return to their car via the shuttle bus and Karen could not get on the shuttle bus in wet clothing.

water fountain

Below: The two RV Gypsies took a stroll on the 1,250-foot long pier and relaxed a while on a bench swing and enjoyed the view. Lee Duquette spotted a restaurant across the way and decided they should go have a small lunch there. (So they walked to the Fleet Landing Restaurant and Bar. Those photos can be reached from the SC menu link at the bottom of this page.)

downtown Charleston pier view from the pier

After eating, the two RV Gypsies returned to the downtown waterfront and walked the area. They liked the "pineapple" water fountain, which had lots of children playing in it. Karen cropped the kids out of the photo because she did not want to post photos of all those children that she did not know.

pineapple water fountain

pineapple water fountain

Karen Duquette relaxing the two RV Gypsies

Below: Amazing buildings on the waterfront

waterfront house

waterfront house

Below: A granite marker memorializing Sir Nathaniel Johnson, located at the southeast corner of Waterfront Park.

granite marker

Below: Lee Duquette just could not resist the giant ice cream cone.laughing clipart dude

Lee Duquette and a big ice cream cone

Below: Then the two RV Gypsies got on the shuttle bus and returned to their car at the visitor center in downtown Charleston. But as they exited the shuttle bus, Lee Duquette noticed a nearby art fair and a big statue, so they decided to take a look.

Below: A Holocaust memorial and a statue of John C. Calhoun atop a giant pillar.

Holocaust memorial

At the Chicken Thing truck, an artist had paintings on display for sale of the Chicken Thing. Karen Duquette did not think it proper to photograph the paintings, but did take a picture of the Chicken Thing explanation.

Chicken Thing truck

Chicken thing sign

Then the two RV Gypsies drove their car to Charleston Harbor Marina at 24 Patriots Point Road, Mount Pleasant, SC

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