and one of the visitor centers at Mount Rainier National Park in Washington |
Below: Karen Duquette photographed
Mount Rainier's reflection in the window at Paradise Visitor's Center.
Below: Engraved
stairs leading to a very steep path up to Mount Rainier. |
Below: The trail to Myrtle
Falls - an easy, but steep one-mile round trip hike |
Below; Karen Duquette photographed
a bee on a flower |
Below: Lee Duquette played in the snow and threw a snowball at Karen
Duquette - Karen took a photo just as the snowball left Lee's hand.
Below: Karen
Duquette photographed the snowball in mid air - and Lee Duquette looked
very pleased with his actions. |
Below: View as the two RV
Gypsies walked along the trail to Myrtle Falls |
Below: The two RV Gypsies
on the bridge across the top of Myrtle Falls (2013 photo) |
Below: Panorama taken from
the bridge above Myrtle Falls |
Below: A close-up view of
the snow and cascading water, plus the top of Mt. Rainier as seen from
the bridge above Myrtle Falls. |
Below; Karen
Duquette photographed streams of water flowing under hard-caked snow. |
Below: Looking down from
the bridge to the top of Myrtle Falls |
Below: Then the two RV Gypsies walked down several steep
stairs to get to their final view of Myrtle Falls with Mt. Rainier far
in the background. It was such a bright sunny day, not a cloud in the
sky, so Mount Rainier barely showed up in the photo against such a bright
sky. |
Below: Karen Duquette and her sister, Ilse Blahak in 2015
Below: A photo zoomed in on the bridge and the top of Myrtle Falls and Mt. Rainier. |
The two RV Gypsies went back down the path, away from Myrtle Falls, and towards the parking lot. They saw a deer running, and they stopped to take a few photos, even though they have seen a lot of deer on this trip this year. |
Oh my goodness! The deer is Squatting to POOP!
Below: The two RV Gypsies
stood still on the trail, and the deer kept coming closer to them. Karen
Duquette thought it would eventually run right by her, just like the
deer in Yellowstone did in the past. |
Below: The deer stopped to
scratch an itch! Then it started to eat the flowers, so the two RV Gypsies
continued on their way. |