The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in Grand Junction, Colorado - page 2 of 2
Flowers, art and scenery

Below: A wine making store

A wine making store
A wine making store

Below: A Buffalo statue - and behind it a mirrored building that reflects multiple images of the buffaloAwesome

a Buffalo statue
multiple images of the buffalo

AwesomeBelow: How many images of the two RV Gypsies can you see in the below images?

the two RV Gypsies
Karen Duquette

Below: The photo below on the right shows something that could be a rabbit or a weird turtle with a big fish. Karen Duquette is not sure what the structure is supposed to be. Lee Duquette could not stop the big RV so Karen could investigate it further.

sign: City of Grand Junction Colarado
ID this weire photo

Below: More travel scenery

travel scenery
travel scenery
Statue: the Spirt of Pioneer Women
Statue: Label -  the Spirt of Pioneer Wome

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