The two RV Gypsies in Frankfort, Kentucky

The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
explored Frankfort - Kentucky's Capital

October 6, 2011

USA map showing location of KYmap of KY showing the Capital
1786 - Frankfort was established. 1792-Kentucky became the 15th state and Frankfort became the capital of Kentucky.
sign - welcome to Kentucky
Kentucky water tower

Spelling Note of Interest: Capitol refers to a building. Capital refers to a City.

welcome to Frankfort Kentucky sign
sign - sister city information
Below: Kentucky's Capitol Building - as seen from a scenic overlook
sign about Frankfort Kentucky
Kentucky's Capitol Building and a welcome sign
Kentucky's Capitol Building and a welcome sign
Kentucky's Capitol Building
Below: The Kentucky River as seen from a parking lot.
The river
Below: Kentucky's Capitol Building - as seen by the two RV Gypsies from across the street
Kentucky's Capitol Building
Kentucky's Capitol Building
Kentucky's Capitol Building is the fourth permanent building since statehood in 1792. It was built to replace the earlier 1830 Capitol, still standing in Downtown Frankfort.
Kentucky's Capitol Building
Kentucky's Capitol Building
sign about Franklin County
Below: A Flower Clock near the Capitol Building
A Flower Clock
A Flower Clock
The face of this colorful flowering clock is 34 feet across and it is planted with thousands of plants.
A Flower Clock
plaque about the Flower Clock
The back side of the flower clock
The back side of the flower clock
Karen Duquette at the flower clock in Frankfort, Kentucky - October 6, 2011
Karen Duquette at the flower clock in Frankfort, Kentucky
Karen Duquette at the flower clock in Frankfort, Kentucky
A bit of fall colors - it is still about 2 weeks from full fall color
A bit of fall colors
A bit of fall colors
Karen Duquette and a U.S. Navy plaque
Karen Duquette and a U.S. Navy plaque

important Before continuing on with multiple choices below, you may want to Jump forward to Frankfort KY in 2024 because the places and photos are completely different. there will be a link from 2024 back to here. Otherwise use the links below.

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Kentucky's Capital City and Capitol Building
(this page)
Kentucky's Natural Bridge and Sky Lift
Red River Gorge

Nada Tunnel

Josephine Sculpture Park

Kentucky Vietnam
Veterans Memorial

U.S. Marine Corp.
Daniel Boone's
grave site
Louisville, KY and
the Mega Cavern
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