Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

stopped at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Campground at Raintree Lake
4577 W. State Road 56
Scottsburg, Indiana

Phone: '812.752.4062
July 18, 2010

WI-FI costs extra here. The AT&T internet phone of the two RV Gypsies worked very slowly, if at all. 50 Amp sites also cost more, which is not unusual. There was a nice pool here, that the two RV Gypsies did not use. No cable but a TV station or two might come in via antenna.

Note: The two RV Gypsies stopped here again in September 2015, and a few TV stations (5) came in via antenna and their cell phones worked. Wi-Fi was available at the Game Room, but the two RV Gypsies did not use it, nor go to the game room. They were able to use their own AT&T Wi-Fi at their site. The roads and sites were gravel. The transient row was empty so of course the campground put two RVs side-by side instead of letting either one have some space. The pool was closed. Standard campground rules applied. Check-in time was 2 p.m. Check-out time NOON. This may be a place kids could enjoy though. For the two RV Gypsies, campgrounds are just a place to park their RV while they explore the area.

Yogi Bear statue
the lake
mini golf area
wall design
wall design
wall design
wall design
Yogi Bear and a child
a person in a Yogi Bear outfit
Below: Yogi Bear took children on a hayride. Campground workers rode around in golf carts with water guns spraying the kids. Kids not on the hayride also had water guns.
Yogi Bear on the hayride

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Please continue on to Monticello, Indiana


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