Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Timers
in McDonough, Georgia
April 28, 2010 - The two RV Gypsies drove to McDonough, Georgia and stopped for gas along the way. The hotel next to the gas station displayed a tiger statue and a miniature Statue of Liberty.
a tiger statue
a miniature Statue of Liberty in Georgia
Below: A giant cow at a gas station at exit 82 and a view of a small pond.
a giant cow statue
a small pond
divider bar

Below: The new yard of the two RV Gypsies at Atlanta South Resort in McDonough, Georgia. This park did NOThave cable TV, but there was a TV in the office, on this date. However the office was not open on this date. WI-FI was available, but the two RV Gypsies did not use the WI-FI in 2010, but upon returning to this campground in 2013, the Two RV Gypsies did try the Wi-Fi at this park, and found it to be super SLOW.

IMPORTANT! If you go to this park, do NOT let your GPS system direct you onto the dirt road at Mt. Olive Drive. Call the park for directions around the dirt road or check their web site. The dirt road is a very bumpy road and just plain old nasty to drive an RV on.

Atlanta South Resort welcome sign
the RV of  the two RV Gypsies
Below: A tornado shelter building
a tornado shelter building
The two RV Gypsies went to this area to visit their daughter's mother-in-law and sister-in-law. They spent their time enjoying playing Yahtzee with them. No photos were taken, but they should have done so. But regardless, they enjoyed their visit.

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Please continue on to Yonah, Georgia


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