Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
Florida map with an X where Whtie Springs is located
White Springs, Florida

White Sulphur Springs was considered to be a sacred healing ground and warring tribes could come to bathe in and drink the mineral waters here while putting aside their disagreements. In 1835, Bryant and Elizabeth Sheffield bought land for a plantation in the Suwannee River valley region, including the spring and most of what is now the Town of White Springs. Mr. Sheffield's testimonials about the good effects the sulfurous spring water had on his health brought others to the ancient healing place who were in need of relief from rheumatism, kidney trouble, nervousness, and other ailments.

White Sulphur Springs sign
White Sulphur Springs sign
White Sulphur Springs sign
White Sulphur Springs sign
White Sulphur Springs sign
White Sulphur Springs sign
White Sulphur Springs sign
White Sulphur Springs sign
Below: The Suwannee River at White Sulphur Springs
Suwannee River
Suwannee River
Suwannee River
Below: Lee and Karen Duquette, The two RV Gypsies, at the Suwannee River.
Lee at Suwannee River
Karen at Suwannee River
Below: Here is Lee Duquette at Lee's Country Campground.
Lee's Country Campground signsmile face
Karen Duquette met a bear - OH MY!
And the bear came closer and closer.........
Karen Duquette and a bear
Karen Duquetteand a bear
laughing dude "STOP!" said Karen Duquette. (What a brave soul! LOL!)
Karen Duquette and a bear

Note: The photos on this page were actually from March 31, 2009, but were placed here because it is the same area as the next set of photos at Big Shoals State Park, a great hike in 2010.
continue on to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesPlease continue on to Big Shoals State Park


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