Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

visited friends in The Villages
April 22, 2010
The Villages is a city in central Florida for 55+ living. The friends of the two RV Gypsies told them that Village residents enjoy free golf for the rest of their lives on the executive golf courses. They pay only for the use of a golf cart. There are currently 24 golf courses. Golf lessons available. There are also many recreation centers in The Villages. There are two town squares with free nightly entertainment, modern movie theaters, shopping, and dining opportunities. Free line dancing for residents too.
a golf cart road
The two RV Gypsies have friends living in The Villages, and Karen Duquette enjoyed being a guest at several line dance classes. The line dance teachers were very nice and their classes were quite enjoyable.
one of several entrances to the Villages
Welcome sign
Below: Many (probably most) of the residents drive golf carts instead of cars in The Villages.
golf carts park on all the streets
Below; There are special roads, tunnels and paths for golf carts and bikes
golf cart road leading to a tunnel
tunnel entrance
golf cart tunnel
Below: The golf cart road beside the regular car road in the Villages.
golf cart road and regular road
golf cart road and regular road
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The two RV Gypsies explored Florida's west coast and central Florida in their RV.
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