Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

wintered with family and friends in Florida
Thanksgiving 2010 - New Years Eve 2010
USA map showing location of Florida

Thanksgiving and turkey sign

turkey dinnerFamily Thanksgiving dinner - 2010pilgrim and turkey

Lee Duquette with Karen Duquette in the mirror
Thanksgiving dinner tables
Extended family 2010

Below: Alex Jones - the grandson of the Two RV Gypsies.

Alex Morgan Jones
Alex Jones and Lee Duquette
Alex Jones

Below: The Great-Grandson of the Two RV Gypsies (Kristen's son) - and Lee Duquette

Anthony Rosenthal
Lee Duquette with his great-grandson
Christmas divider bar
December 2010 and Christmas celebrations
reindeer divider bar

Below: Karen Duquette (the elf) had fun at a Christmas line dance party with friends. Even Santa Claus line danced.

party sign
Santa Clause line dancing
Karen and friends dancing
Karen Duquette - The Christmas Elf

Santa Claus gave out presents and Karen Duquette was his little helper who gave out candy canes to all the line dancers. IF a present was left over, Karen even got one.

Karen and Santa Claus
Karen and Santa Claus

Below: The grandchildren of The Two RV Gypsies - Alex Jones and his sister Kristen (Anthony's mom)

The grandchildren of The Two RV Gypsies
Karen Duquette and her great-grandson
Anthony Rosenthal

Christmas day - Karen Duquette with her great-grandson, Anthony

Anthony Rosenthal and a snowman
Karen Duquette and her great-grandson

Renee Duquette Smythers never did like it when her mother takes pictures of her - so this is her typical reaction.

smile face with Santa hatRenee Duquete Smythers being rude to her motherMerry Christmas sign

Below: The Grandson of the two RV Gypsies, Alex Jones (Renee's son), opening some Christmas presents.

Alex Jones
Alex Jones
Lee Duquette
The two RV Gypsies and family
The two RV Gypsies and John Smythers
music notes

Below: Alex provided some after-dinner entertainment for the family. Good Job !!!

after-dinner entertainment
after-dinner entertainment

Below; Then it was time for some outdoor fun since Christmas weather is always nice in south Florida. First Alex enjoyed his new remote control truck. Then the guys played some basketball.

Alex Jones
Alex Jones
Boys at play
Lee and REanee and two dogs
Below: The two RV Gypsies enjoyed New Years Eve, 2010
(note Karen's matching stockings and purse)champagne
The two RV Gypsies - New Years Eve, 2010
Karen Duquette - New Years Eve 2010
Karen Duquette's New Years Eve tights

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