Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

enjoyed the Prairie Dogs and more
at Badlands National Park
25216 Ben Reifel Place, Interior, SD 57750
September 10, 2009

USA map showing location of South Dakota
Badlands National Park is an American National Park located in southwestern South Dakota, It is 381 square miles or 243,000 acres. The highest point in the park is 3,247 feet, located at the Pinnacles Entrance Station. The average annual precipitation is 16 inches. Badlands National Park is located in the White River Badlands and was called mako sica (mako, land and sica, bad) by the Sioux Indians. The term badlands generally refers to an area that is difficult to travel through primarily because of the rugged terrain and lack of water. The fascinating landscape within the park erodes at a rate of about 1 inch per year, providing an ever-changing landscape. Badlands was originally proclaimed a National Monument in 1939 and was later designated a National Park in 1978. The average visit to the park is only 1 - 2 hours in length as visitors detour from nearby I-90. However, there are enough activities and sites to occupy visitors for several days to a week.
sign - Badlands National Park
sign - Badlands National Park
sign - Cliff Shelf Nature Trail
sign - a slump and a bump
Cliff Shelf Nature Trail
stiars to Cliff Shelf Nature Trail
Karen Duquette
along Cliff Shelf Nature Trail
along Cliff Shelf Nature Trail
berry treel
berries on a tree
sign - Badlands Oasis
view from Badlands Oasis
view from Badlands Oasis
view from Badlands Oasis
view from Badlands Oasis
view from Badlands Oasis
view from Badlands Oasis
view from Badlands Oasis
sign - Window Notch
sign - Beware of rattlesnakes
Window Notch
Window Notch
Window Notch
Lee on the Window Notch trail
Window Notch trail
Window Notch trail
Below: A lone bush in the cliff
a lone bush in the cliff
sign - enter the door trail
sign about the boardwalk
the door trail
the door trail
sign - anatomy of a badland
fossil sign
the door trail
the door trail
the door trail

sign - Baddest of the Badlands

Baddest of the Badlands
Baddest of the Badlands
Baddest of the Badlands
Baddest of the Badlands
Karen Duquette in the Baddest of the Badlands
Baddest of the Badlands
Karen Duquette in Baddest of the Badlands
Karen Duquette
Lee Duquette
Baddest of the Badlands
Below: Prairie Dogs
prairie dogs
prairie dogs
prairie dogs

Below: A very colorful area of the Badlands

Did You Know? The yellow and red layers in the badlands formations are fossilized soils, called paleosols. Fossil root traces, burrows, and animal bones found within the soils provide scientists with evidence of environmental and climatic changes that occurred in the badlands over time
a very colorful area of the Badlands
a very colorful area of the Badlands
a very colorful area of the Badlands
a very colorful area of the Badlands
There are people so far below that they are hard to see in the second photo.
stairs down
people lost in the Badlands
big cliffs
rattlesnake area

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