Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

at Fairmont Hot Springs in Anaconda, Montana
September 4, 2009

Anaconda, Montana: A former industrial center with a rich history and heritage, Anaconda is more recently renowned as a recreation community in Southwest Montana. The Continental Divide passes within a few miles of the city limits and Rocky Mountain peaks reach 10,379 feet.
The new yard of the two RV Gypsies - Fairmont RV Park, Anaconda, Montana in Silver Bow County Near Fairmont Hot Springs. The campground had free Wi-Fi and full-hook-ups, but NO TV. This was just a short stop for the two RV Gypsies on the way to Yellowstone National Park. Karen spent the time at Fairmont Hot Springs getting a manicure and pedicure with foot wrap.
sign - Fairmont RV Park
sign - Fairmont RV Park
the RV of the two RV Gypsies
the RV of the two RV Gypsies
Below: The moon at night in Montana - September 4, 2009
the moon at night in Montana
the moon at night in Montana
the moon at night in Montana
the moon at night in Montana
Below: The office, cabins for rent, and playground at Fairmont RV Park
office at Fairmont RV Park
cabins for rent at Fairmont RV Park
at Fairmont RV Park
playground at Fairmont RV Park

Below: Fairmont Hot Springs Resort is a full service, year-round hot springs resort located between Butte and Anaconda, just three miles south of Interstate 90 and halfway between Yellowstone National Park and Glacier National Park. There is a large outdoor pool and a smaller indoor pool. When the two RV Gypsies were there, the outdoor pool and slide were closed for maintenance, but re-opened the day the two RV Gypsies left.

Karen Duquette enjoyed the indoor pool, but it lacked that atmosphere of real hot springs like she found in Liard and Chena. This was more of a swim in a warm swimming pool then a real hot springs experience. However, Karen did enjoy a nice manicure and pedicure while there.

sign - thank you please come again
Below: An interesting RV towing an outhouse - seen while traveling in Montana
An interesting RV towing an outhouse
An interesting RV towing an outhouse

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