Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
enjoyed Glacier National Park's east entrance and all the beautiful scenery
September 1, 2009
sign - Glacier National Park Gateway
Below: Two Medicine Lake
Two Medicine Lake
Two Medicine Lake
Below: Running Eagle Falls and its story.
sign - Running Eagle Falls
sign - The story of Running Eagle
Running Eagle Falls
lee on bridge
approaching the falls
Running Eagle Falls
Below: As the two RV Gypsies approached the falls, a dude was jumping into the water, nude. When he saw the two RV Gypsies, he put on his jeans.
dude getting dressed
dude getting dressed
Below: On this date the falls flow only from the middle of the rocks, but there was a time when the falls began at the top part that is now dry.
Running Eagle Falls
Running Eagle Falls
Below: The water at the bottom of the falls and the stream flowing away
the water at the bottom of the falls
the stream flowing away
Below: Looking up the cliff to see the trees at the top
trees at the top of the cliff
trees at the top of the cliff

Below: Karen Duquette enjoying the falls and the beauty of nature.

Karen Duquette
Karen Duquette
Karen Duquette
Below: Lee Duquette decided to do a bit of climbing on the rocks
Lee climbing the rocks
Lee climbing the rocks
Lee climbing the rocks
Lee climbing the rocks
Lee climbing the rocks
Lee climbing the rocks
Below: Then Lee Duquette went down towards the falls
Lee by the falls
Lee by the falls
Lee by the falls
Lee by the falls
Lee struggling with the rocks
the falls
Lee in the rocks
Lee in the rocks
Karen Duquette
the two RV Gypsies
wild flowers growing in the rocks
red sand at the top of the mountain
flowers in the rocks
red sand on a mountain
The two RV Gypsies did not find the east entrance as exciting as the west entrance, except for Running Eagle Falls, of course. But everywhere in Glacier National Park is amazing with beautiful nature all around.
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