Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

drove their home to Benson, Arizona
April 18, 2009

Below you will see photos of cactus, rabbits, birds in the campground in Benson, Arizona PLUS great scenery photos of mountains and more - taken by the two RV Gypsies, mostly out of the window of their moving motorhome, while driving to Benson, Arizona. And there is a sub-menu at the bottom of this page that leads to the "Wonderland of Rocks" and more.
Arizona state line sign, welcome to Arizona sign, and a train
Welcom to Arizona sign
a train and mountains
design on bridge
design on bridge
design on bridge
cactus field
cactus field
cactus field
mountain and cactus
cactus field
BELOW: Valley Vista Resort in Benson, Arizona
sign - Valley Vista RV Resort
swimming pool
Below: A DRY WASH - view from each side of the bridge - this should be full of water

BELOW: The new yard of the Two RV Gypsies

BELOW: A cottontail rabbit in front of the RV

the RV and toad of the two RV Gypsies

Below: Birds in the campground


If you came here from the 2015 Arizona page, return there now, otherwise, look below for more 2009 adventures in Arizona

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Menu for the two RV Gypsies in Arizona, 2009

Be sure to visit each of the six (6) sites for photos and history. You may visit these sites in any order your choose.

1. Photos taken out the window of the motorhome while driving from Las Cruces, New Mexico to Benson, Arizona - great scenery (this page)

2.Texas Canyon - Dragoon Mountains - giant boulders tower over the surrounding country side, many taking unusual shapes

3. Chiricahua National Monument- A "Wonderland of Rocks" - and a very rough hike

4. The Thing

5. Tonopah and Saddle Mountain RV Park

6. Eagle Trail Mountain Wolf Sanctuary

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go to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesAFTER you have visited ALL 6 of the above photo sections, please continue on to Southern California.
Note: This same menu can be reached from the bottom of any of the above pages.

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