The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
Now that you viewed the difficult hike up the mountain, here are some photos of the breath-taking scenery at the top of the mountain, including The Heart of Rocks area which has the most unusual named formations; Duck on a Rock, Punch and Judy, Kissing Rocks, Big Balanced Rock, and more.
Chiricahua National Monument
- A "Wonderland of Rocks"
April 18, 2009
Karen Duquette
looking down the mountain
Karen Duquette in the rocks
looking up
Karen Duquette looking up
rock formations
close up of the rock formations
rock formations
rock formations
Karen Duquette
looking out from the mountain top
laughing clipart dudeKaren Duquette and the balancing rock
close up of the balancing rock
Karen Duquette and the balancing rock
 balancing rock
Karen and another balancing rock
another balancing rock
Old Main


Camel's Head
Camel's Head
Thor's Head
Thor's Head
Karen Duquette
Karen Duquette
rock formation
Karen and a rock formation
Punch and Judy
Duck On A Rock
Karen and Duck On A Rock
Karen and Duck On A Rock
Karen and Duck On A Rock
Kissing Rock
karen trying to step down

Menu for the two RV Gypsies in Arizona, 2009

Be sure to visit each of the six (6) sites for photos and history. You may visit these sites in any order your choose.

1. Photos taken out the window of the motorhome while driving from Las Cruces, New Mexico to Benson, Arizona - great scenery

2.Texas Canyon - Dragoon Mountains - giant boulders tower over the surrounding country side, many taking unusual shapes

3. Chiricahua National Monument- A "Wonderland of Rocks" - and a very rough hike (this page)

4. The Thing

5. Tonopah and Saddle Mountain RV Park

6. Eagle Tail Mountain Wolf Sanctuary

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go to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesAFTER you have visited ALL 6 of the above photo sections, please continue on to Southern California. Note: This same menu can be reached from the bottom of any of the above pages.

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