Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
return to the home page of the two RV Gypsies
Table of Contents and index for the website of the two RV Gypsies
how Karen and Lee Duquette became two RV Gypsies e-mail the two RV Gypsies please sign the guestbook of the two RV Gypsies
photos/history Alaska from the two RV Gypsies
photos/history in Canada from the two RV Gypsies
TOC-Countries and Cruices Cruises photos/history of continental USA by the two RV Gypsies
learn about Brian Lee Duquette Flashback to the past go to webpage built by Karen plus other RV pages helpful information for RVers travel vidoes of the two RV Gypsies' adventures
location in TexasThe two RV Gypsies in Texas
April 2009
Note: These photos were divided into five sections in order to allow photos to load more quickly on each page and therefore be more pleasurable to viewers. So please visit each of the five sections below for the drought in San Angelo, the reservoir, prairie dogs, long-eared jackrabbit, road-runner bird, Ozona and more. You may view these sections in any order you choose. there is also a link to New Mexico below.

O.C. Fisher Reservoir

San Angelo State Park and wildlife
Van Horn

Spectacular views from Guadalupe Peak,
the highest peak in Texas

look below
go to the next adventure of the Two RV GypsiesAFTER you have visited ALL 5 of the above menus, continue on to Las Cruces, New Mexico and more