Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in Ozona, Texas - April 10, 2009
USA map showing location of TexasOzona sign
Below: Scenery on the way to Ozona, Texas
scenery on the way to Ozona, Texas
scenery on the way to Ozona, Texas
scenery on the way to Ozona, Texas
scenery on the way to Ozona, Texas
Below: A design on bridge underpass
Below: Ozona sign
design on bridge underpass in Ozona TExas
Ozona Texas  sign
Below: Signs at the gas station across the street from the campground in Ozona
Circle Bar truck Corral sign
Circle Bar truck Corral sign
4 Circle Bar RV Park, Ozona, Texas
A nice park with a friendly person in the office. But the very large trash bins at each and every site seemed tacky and weird to the two RV Gypsies. Diesel fuel was available right across the street, and also a restaurant with good food at a good price.
4 Circle Bar RV Park field
4 Circle Bar RV Park
Below: The motorhome of the two RV Gypsies and the view out the front window of the RV.
The motorhome of the two RV Gypsies
view from the RV of the two RV Gypsies
Sign and statue in the town square in Ozona
Ozona sign
Crockett County is the eighth largest of 254 counties in Texas and covers over 3,000 square miles of ruggedly beautiful west Texas. The one and only town within its boundaries is Ozona, which is known as "The Biggest Little Town in the World," with about 3,500 persons calling it home. The town is unincorporated and, although being rather isolated from other towns, is quite independent. Ranching and oil/gas businesses keep the economy steady and school activities keep everyone involved.
Crockett County has a unique history to share. It was named in 1875 to commemorate the illustrious David Crockett of Alamo fame. He was killed in battle March 5, 1836, five months short of 50 years after his birth in Tennessee. He never trod the soil nor beheld its beauty, but he is forever linked to the county that proudly bears his name.
Davy Crockett Statue in the town square
Davy Crockett Statue
David Crockett was born in Tennessee August 17, 1786 and he died a hero at the Battle of the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas on March 6, 1836.

A memorial to David Crockett stands at the south end of Ozona's town square. The county, formed in 1875, was named in honor of the Texas hero.

The statue was placed on its base on
December 31, 1938. The granite statue was carved from 2 slabs of granite weighing nearly 20 tons. Inscribed at the base of the statue is Crockett's motto, "Be sure you are right, then go ahead."

"The Tie That Binds" Sculpture

This is a memorial to the pioneer families that came to settle this land and those that followed. It serves to remind us of the determination and perseverance these ancestors embodied as they looked ever westward until settling here in Crockett County. It was sculpted by Judy Black, a native of Crockett County, and is cast in bronze in life-and-a-quarter size. It is found in the center of the town square.

Tie That Binds Sculpture
location in TexasThe two RV Gypsies in Texas
April 2009

Note: The Texas photos are divided into five sections in order to allow photos to load more quickly on each page and therefore be more pleasurable to viewers. So please visit each of the five sections below for the drought in San Angelo, the reservoir, prairie dogs, long-eared jackrabbit, road-runner bird, Ozona and more. You may view these sections in any order you choose. there is also a link to New Mexico below.

O.C. Fisher Reservoir

San Angelo State Park and wildlife
Van Horn
Ozona (this page)

Spectacular views from Guadalupe Peak,
the highest peak in Texas

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