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The Carnival Valor cruise ship
November 26, 2006 - December 2, 2006
(page one of two)

The Carnival Valor is the 3rd of 5 Conquest-class Carnival vessels - with sister-ships Conquest, Freedom, Glory and Liberty. However, there are several other cruise ships with the Carnival name - 36 ships.  There are 1,492 staterooms on board the Carnival Valor. Its length is 952 feet and it was built in 2004. It's capacity is 3,756 passengers and 1,180 crew members. Its Flagged Country is Panama.

The Carnival Valor cruise ship in the port of Miami 
Carnival Valor cruise ship in the port of Miami port of Miami
port of Miami port of Miami
port of Miami

Below: Karen and Lee Duquette and the Mandatory Life Jacket Muster

Karen Duquette in her life jacket Karen and Lee Duquette in life jackets
Below: Several rooms on The Carnival Valor cruise ship
stateroom on The Carnival Valor stateroom
Mary Perez Carnival Valor bedroom

Below: The many faces of the towel animals and Karen Duquette

Karen Duquette and a towel animal Karen Duquette and a towel animal
Karen Duquette and a towel animal Karen Duquette and a towel animal

Below: Karen Duquette on the small balcony off of her room.

Karen Duquette on the small balcony off of her room

Below: Lee Duquette on the bridge taking a photo of Karen Duquette, who was on the balcony of their room, taking a photo of Lee on the bridge.

Lee Duquette on the bridge Lee Duquette on the bridge
Below: The outside deck
Carnival Valor
The outside deck water slide
tail fin water slide
outer deck The outside deckThe outside deck
Carnival Valor
Below: On board The Carnival Valor cruise ship's main deck.
pool and statue pool and statue
The Carnival Valor cruise ship hot tub
Below: The line dance room (The Disco lounge). The line dancers always get a room to themselves when they take a group line dance cruise.
Disco Lounge the line dancers dance room
the line dancers dance room the line dancers dance room
Below: Various lounges on board the Carnival Valor cruise ship.
lounge on The Carnival Valor lounge on The Carnival Valor
bar on The Carnival Valor bar  on The Carnival Valor
Carnival Legends show room statue
Carnival Legends show room Carnival Legends show room
Carnival Legends show room

Below: Elevators

elevator elevator

Below: Looking down from the elevators

Looking down from the elevator Looking down from the elevator

Below: Art deco on The Carnival Valor

art deco on The Carnival Valor
art deco art deco on The Carnival Valor

Below: Lee Duquette loved the food (his favorite part while on any cruise ship).

Lee Duquette
desert desert

Below: The line dancers - A few people did NOT get the message to wear their Star Dancer shirt, including Karen Duquette in the yellow hat.

Karen Duquette and The line dancers Karen Duquette and The line dancers
Karen Duquette and The line dancers

Below: Fun time with friends

Line dancing

Dona, Karen and Amy

Karen Duquette line dancing Dona, Karen and Amy

Below: Karen Duquette and Mary Perez

Below: Karen and Lee Duquette

Karen and Mary Karen and Lee Duquette
Lee and Karen Duquette Karen Duquette
Mary, Lee, Judy and Rona Lee Duquette and the line dancers
Karen and Dona Karen Duquette - Amy Tinoco
Karen and Lee Duquette Karen and Lee Duquette

Continue on the page 2 of The Carnival Valor cruise - the ports