LIFE before becoming The TWO RV GYPSIES

Flashbacktime running backwardsKaren and Lee Duquette
at Niagara Falls
August 25, 1968

The reason that Karen and Lee Duquette went to Niagara Falls in 1968, was because Karen's good friend Sandra Boyd (from her U.S. Navy Boot Camp days) got married to Steve Trostad and they did not have a car. So after Karen Duquette served as a Bridesmaid, they drove their friends to Niagara Falls so they could have a honeymoon and then back to their home in Connecticut. They are all still good friends to this day, and visit each other as much as possible.

(To see Sandy and Steve's 50th wedding Anniversary in 2018, which includes how Karen and Sandy met in boot camp in 1964, plus Sandy and Steve's wedding in 1968, CLICK HERE, but be sure to return to this page.)

Karen and Lee Duquette at Niagara Falls 1968 Karen Duquette at Niagara Falls 1968

NOTE: A lot of pictures taken here got lost, because Karen Duquette did not post these Flashbacks until many years, and many moves later.

Niagara Falls view from Hotel Niagara Falls view from Hotel
Niagara Falls view from Hotel Niagara Falls view from Hotel
Niagara Falls 1968 Niagara Falls 1968
Karen Duquette Under the Falls

They also stopped at Old Fort Erie

Old Fort Erie

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