Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
hiked at Yellow Branch Falls
3023 South Carolina Hwy 28
Sumpter National Forest
Walhalla, SC
June 28, 2022 |
The trail to
Yellow Branch Falls had lots of ups and downs, and several creek crossings
over rocks and stones, but the two RV Gypsies felt it was well worth
the effort. It is accessed at the Yellow Branch Picnic Area via the
Nature Trail and Yellow Branch Falls Trail, about 1.5 miles each way,
posted to be of moderate difficulty. But the two RV Gipsies say this
is a bit of a strenuous hike unless you are young because it felt more
like 2-1/2 miles each way to them. They did not meet too many people
on this trail, but the few people they met were a whole lot younger.
There were 3 suspension bridges on this trail. |
Below: Lee
Duquette on one of the easier creek crossings. |
Below: In the middle of the
creek crossing shown above, Karen Duquette paused and took a picture
off to the side of water flowing down the rocks. |
Below: Lee
Duquette making his way across another creek crossing. |
Below: After Lee Duquette
crossed the creek, he turned around and took photos of Karen Duquette
crossing it. At first Karen tried the small log like Lee did, but then
she just walked across in the water, which came up to the top of her
water-proof hiking boots. A bit of water did get inside her boots, but
she did not care. |
Below: A pretty flower on
a log. Lee Duquette wondered how it could be growing through the log,
so he touched it and discovered someone had just placed it there (no
roots) . So he put it back in the same place. |
Below: In several places,
the two RV Gypsies had to climb over a fat tree laying across the path
way. |
Below: Just before reaching
the actual falls, Karen Duquette stopped to photograph a smaller waterfall
along the way. |
Yellow Branch Falls is a 50-foot
waterfall that may be only a trickle if rain has been absent for several
days. It remains very scenic regardless of flow. On this date it was
not real strong flowing but still nice. |
Below: Time
to pose for the camera. |
Below: Karen Duquette decided
to get wet under the waterfall because it was a long, hot hike and she
did wear her bathing suit. As usual, Lee Duquette did not choose to
do the same. He hates cold water.
So Lee took some pictures of Karen. The water was cold, but not freezing
cold. It felt refreshing. Then Lee told Karen to lean backwards into
the rock so that the water would fall directly over her face and eyes.
That was a bit shocking, as the cold water flowed over her eyeballs.
Check out Karen's expressions in the photos below. |
Begrudgingly, Karen Duquette knew they had to head back on the long
strenuous hike, so she climbed back over the big rocks once again to
continue the journey. It was not an easy trip back, even though Karen
was much cooler in her soaking wet capri's and shoes. Karen could hear
her wet capri's "swishing" as she walked. |