The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in Pisgah National Forest
Transylvania County, NC
plus Looking Glass Falls and butterflies
June 19, 2019

USA map showing location of North CarolinaNorth Carolina and SC  map showing some citiesNorth Carolina map showing location of Looking Glass Falls

Below: A yellow "walking man" mailbox - photo taken from the moving car.

A yellow walking man mailbox Welcome to City of Brevard sign
Pisgah Ranger Station and Pisgah National Forest sign National Forest Visitor Center Welcome sign

Below: Some of the flowers outside of the Visitor Center.

flowers outside of the Visitor Center flower outside of the Visitor Center

Below: Two Barn Swallows up above the doorway of the Visitor Center.

Barn Swallow Barn Swallow

Below: The two RV Gypsies drove 3 hours to go to Sliding Rock Falls and slide down the giant rock. But it was closed when they got there due to high water levels. Lesson learned. CALL AHEAD OF TIME. (828.257.4200)

Sliding Rock sign

Sliding Rock Falls

Since the sliding rock was closed, the two RV Gypsies decided to visit several other waterfalls in the area. Nearby are Looking Glass Falls, Moore Cove Falls, Daniel Ridge Falls, Log Hollow Falls, Cove Creek Falls, Pink Beds Hike and the Forest Discovery Center at Cradle of Forestry. The two RV Gypsies got to Looking Glass Falls, but had trouble finding the others, but maybe they will try again in the future

water divider bar


Looking Glass Falls is one of the most popular and beautiful waterfalls in North Carolina. It is one of the few accessible roadside waterfalls, making it perfect for folks with mobility and walking challenges. It is located along U.S. 276, Forest Heritage Scenic Byway, near Brevard in the Pisgah National Forest. The name "Looking Glass" comes from Looking Glass Rock, where water freezes on its sides in the winter and then glistens in the sunlight like a mirror or looking glass. Looking Glass Creek, which flows past the rock, is also named for the impressive natural structure.

Looking Glass Waterfall sign Looking Glass Waterfall

smile faceWhen the two RV Gypsies got out of their car to see Looking Glass Waterfall, Karen Duquette changed from her regular shoes into her water shoes because she wanted to go into the water. One of the shoes felt like there was something in the shoe, so she checked, and it was two $10 bills. Surprise!

dollar sign She did not remember when or why she put the money there and will never do that again.

Below: Lee Duquette did not want to go into the cold water, but of course, Karen Duquette did. She gave the clothes she was wearing over her bathing suit to Lee and told him to keep them dry, so he tucked them in his shirt.

laughing clipart dudeLee Duquette

Below: There are a few steps and viewing platforms on the way to the 60-foot waterfall.

The two RV Gypsies Looking Glass Falls

Below: There were a lot of big rocks to climb over, both before entering the water, and also once Karen Duquette was in the water. It was not easy walking. Karen watched several younger people fall while trying to step over the rocks. They did not get hurt. So Karen decided to bend over and hold onto a big rock for stability while carefully stepping over other rocks. It made for a lot of butt shots, but was worth it, not to fall or get hurt. Other people were providing photographers with butt shots too, as shown below.

Karen Duquette entering Looking Glass Falls Karen Duquette having a hard time stepping over the big rocks in the water.

Below: When Karen Duquette first got into the water, she reacted to the cold water by looking back at Lee Duquette and making a face. But soon she forgot the water was cold because she was concentrating on maneuvering through the rocks.

Karen Duquette in the water at Looking Glass Falls Karen Duquette in the water at Looking Glass Falls

Karen Duquette got really close to the waterfall, but discovered that with each step she took the water was getting deeper, so she did not get directly under or behind the waterfall. She did not want to suddenly sink under the water. Nobody else was near her if she should need help. People are supposed to be able to walk behind the waterfall, but Karen did not think it worth the risk. A couple of people tried walking on the rocks attached to the cliffs, but they did not make it behind the waterfall either.

Karen Duquette in the water at Looking Glass Falls Karen Duquette in the water at Looking Glass Falls
Karen Duquette in the water at Looking Glass Falls Karen Duquette in the water at Looking Glass Falls

Karen Duquette had a waterproof camera with her so she took a couple pictures up close to the falls. But her footing and the rocky ground under her was mostly too unstable to take a lot of photos.

 Looking Glass Falls Looking Glass Falls

Below: Leaving Looking Glass Falls, the two RV Gypsies stopped for a picnic lunch by Looking Glass Creek. Karen Duquette walked down by the creek for photos while Lee Duquette set up the picnic table.

Lee Duquette at the lunch table Looking Glass Creek
Looking Glass Creek Looking Glass Creek

Below: There was an injured butterfly on the ground. Karen Duquette was careful not to step on it. It wiggled around on the ground for awhile, and eventually flew into the air, but did not get very far or high into the air. But it seemed to be OK.

injured butterfly on the ground

Below: While eating, a different butterfly (plus a fly) flew onto Lee Duquette's back. After taking a photograph, Karen Duquette chased the fly away, but let the butterfly stay there long enough to take more photos. (Karen thinks the tag on the outside back of Lee's shirt is ugly and unnecessary - but his shirt WAS worn correctly).

Butterfly and fly on Lee Duquette's back Butterfly on Lee Duquette's back
Butterfly on Lee Duquette's back Butterfly on Lee Duquette's back

look below

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Leaving Pisgah National Forest, the two RV Gypsies continued on to nearby Bridal Veil Falls in Nantahala National Forest