The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
hiked at Beaver Falls
in McBride, British Columbia, Canada
July 30, 2015 (plus some 2009 photos)

While their RV was incapacitated, the two RV Gyspies drove their toad from downtown McBride to Beaver Falls by driving east on Highway 16 for 10 km. Then they turned north into the parking area just west of the Holmes River.

Then the two RV Gypsies took a short walk along the west side of the Holmes (Beaver) River with views of a small waterfall. The trail had some rough spots, but was relatively level.

The trail runs from a small parking area along the west bank of the Beaver (Holmes) River. During the fall run of spawning Chinook Salmon, this trail provides a first hand view of salmon trying to jump the falls.

Visitors are cautioned to take care as there are no guard rails or fencing at the falls area.

Below are photos from 2009 (the smaller ones) and 2015 (the bigger ones). There was a bit of change in the path, but the falls were the same.

sign - Beaver Falls
Beaver Falls sign 2015
Below: (In 2009) Karen Duquette was looking left and photographing the above sign. Lee Duquette was looking left too, then suddenly hit his brakes. The road had ended and there was a drop down to the river. Good thing Lee looked forward in time and had good reflexes. It would not have been nice if they had driven into the river. All is well that ends well.
river's edge

Below: The two RV Gypsies walked to the edge of the River for a view of the bridge before starting on the path. The path started out level and very easy to navigate.

the bridge and river before the path
start of the trail
Below: The Caution sign in 2009 and in 2015. Someone's been shooting at the sign. Note that a smaller sign was added to the 2015 sign.
sign - caution - no guard rails at falls
Caution sign 2015 - with bullet holes in it
sign: Bull Trout Waters

Below: The path in 2009 (small photo) and 2015 (bigger photo). It had become a bit overgrown and needs maintenance.

Lee Duquette on the path in 2015
Beaver River
Beaver River
Beaver River
Beaver River

Below: Photos of the same area in 2009 (smaller photo) and 2015 (larger photo).

Beaver River
Beaver River
the trail
Beaver River
Karen Duquette 209
Karen Duquette 209
Beaver River
Lee Duquette 2009

Below (2015) The water and/or weather has done some damage in the area, and in several spots, the river was close to the edge of a crumbling trail.

Lee Duquette 2015
a crumbling trail 2015
mushroom 2014
fireweed 2015

Below:The first views of the falls area. 2009 and 2015

Beaver Falls 2009
Beaver Falls 2015

Below: Karen Duquette by Beaver Falls in 2009

Karen Duquette at the falls
Beaver Falls
Below: Beaver Falls is a small, but still a strong, powerful, and beautiful waterfall.
Beaver Falls
Beaver Falls
Beaver Falls
Beaver Falls
Beaver Falls 2015
Beaver Falls 2015
Beaver Falls 2015
Beaver Falls 2015

Below: 2009: Lee Duquette heading back down the trail

Lee Duquette
the trail
end of the trail

Menu for The two RV Gypsies in British Columbia, Canada in 2015

Fort Telkwa RV Park, Telkwa, BC now permantly closed

Sintich Adult RV Park, Prince George, BC

Mountainview RV Resort, McBride, BC

City of McBride

Beaver Falls in McBride (this page)

Canyon Hot Springs, Revelstoke, BC

Glacier National Park and Rogers Pass

Rock Garden in Glacier National Park

240-foot Suspension Bridge and a 100-foot Waterfall

Crazy Creek Hot Springs Pools

The Enchanted Forest

Kootenay River RV Park, Canal Flats

Lussier Hot Springs near Canal Flats

look below

AFTER you have viewed all of the above sites in Canada, please join the two RV Gypsies as they resumed their travels back in the USA.

USA flag August 11, 2015 - Back in the USA
- Lake Coeur d'Alene in Idaho
and lots more USA states.


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