The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers decided to have fun and play in the Children's Garden, one of Karen Duquette's favorite places in gardens. (Some people just do not want to grow up). On this date, they had the area all to themselves,

Welcome to The Hamilton Children's Garden sign
Chocolate Flower
cactus tree
a jester
girl saped planter sign
sign about using less water
space alien
giant metal flower
music divider bar
Garden Rhythms sign
piano chairs

Below: Lee Duquette played with the various musical instruments in the Children's Area.

Lee Duquette on drums
Lee Duquette and a wooden xylophone
tree divider bar

The Children's Tree House

Tree House sign
the tree house
the tree house
curvy stairs up to the tree hosue
tree house

Below: A play area under the tree house

play area under the tree house

Below: Karen Duquette checked out the rope bridge at the top of the tree house and then she walked across it.

Karen Duquette
Karen's foot on rope bridge

Below: The two RV Gypsies on the rope bridge at the top of the tree house.

Lee Duquette
The two RV Gypsies

Below: The view from the top of the tree house.

view from the top of the tree house
view from the top of the tree house

From the top of the tree house, Karen Duquette zoomed her camera in on some uniquely shaped houses outside of the park.

uniquely shaped houses

Below: Looking down from the tree house.

Looking down from the treehouse
divider bar

An area for kids to color in.
The tent is made of giant pencils.

Lee Duquette sat on a turtle
to read the map of the gardens.

giant pencils
Lee Duquette on a turtle
California quail sign
California quail
divider bar

Below: Another children's area: Seeds of Wonder

Seeds of Wonder sign

welcome to wonder sign
Seeds of Wonder sign

rabbit tree

bear tree

Below: A working miniature railroad and train set.

miniature railroad and train

miniature railroad and train

miniature railroad and train

miniature railroad and train

miniature railroad and train

miniature railroad and train

Below: A Water trough to play in

Below: Man made from planter pots

water play

pot man

tree bird


Below: There is nothing greater than the joy a child gives to her parents.

child's saying

Karen Duquette plays in the tree

Below: Karen Duquette played with giant bubbles.

Karen playing with bubbles. Karen playing with bubbles.

This is a big, beautiful, wonderful area, and the two RV Gypsies took so many pictures that the gardens had to be divided up into sections which will allow photos to load faster, and give viewers the opportunity to view areas in any order they choose.

Art sculptures and mariachi topiaries

Bamboos and Trees

Children's Areas (this page)


Native trail and Underseas Garden


Rainforest, ponds, and waterfalls

look below

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