The Campground at Barnes Crossing in Tupelo, Mississippi - These comments do not make the campground good or bad in general.

The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
parked their RV at
The Campground at Barnes Crossing
on Highway I-45 in Tupelo, MS
July 24 - 25, 2014

The Campground at Barnes Crossing was a small campground with only 54 sites, 24 of which are pull-thrus. It had cable TV in all sites and Wi-Fi that was not secured. There was also a pet walking area and a laundromat and bathroom/shower area. The campground is close to Tupelo and the Mall at Barnes Crossing which is said to be the largest mall in northern Mississippi with over 90 stores, but of course the two RV Gypsies did not shop nor use most of the campground amenities.

road leading to the Campground at Barnes Crossing
sign: The Campground at Barnes Crossing

Below: The RV of the two RV Gypsies in its new yard, a long pull-thru gravel site at Barnes Crossing.

The RV of the two RV Gypsies in its new yard

Below: The office at Barnes Crossing Campground

The office at Barnes Crossing Campground
The office at Barnes Crossing Campground

Below: The porch at the campground office and a welcome sign.

The porch at the campground office
welcome sign
old man and a frog
Menu for the two RV Gypsies in Tupelo, Mississippi
July 24-25, 2014
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Tupelo, Mississippi

The Birthplace of Elvis Presley

Campground at Barnes Crossing (this page)

Tombigbee State Park

Tupelo Automobile Museum - Elvis' schools

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