Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
USA map showing location of Montana
at Montana's Best Kept Secret - page 2 of 2

Bighorn Lake is a reservoir located behind Yellowtail Dam within the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. It spans both northern Wyoming and extends into southern Montana. This vast lake offers abundant opportunities for fishing, surrounded by some of the most beautiful outdoor scenery in the northwest United States. Whether you choose to fish from a boat or the shoreline, Bighorn Lake provides a diverse range of fish species, making it a popular destination for anglers. The area also boasts historical significance and stunning landscapes, including the awe-inspiring Bighorn Canyon itself - partially shown below.

The two RV Gypsies boating on Bighorn Lake - OK-A-BEH with amazing scenery

Lee getting tbe boat
Lee driving the boat
Bighorn Lake
Bighorn Lake
Lee driving the boat
a very happy Lee
Bighorn Lake
Lee amazed at the cliffs
the cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
the wake of the boat
the wake of the boat
Lee is amazed
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
colorful cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
great reflection
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Lee really enjoying Bighorn Lake and cliffs
a very happy Karen
a relaxed Karen
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
colorful cliffs
colorful cliffs
a great reflection
wake of the boat
Laughig clipart dudeWho is driving the boat ???? REALLY - the boat IS still moving.
Karen Duquette
who's driving the boat?
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Lee enjoying the scenery
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Karen Duquette
Karen Duquette
Karen Duquette enjoying Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
great reflection
great reflection
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Below: An outhouse for boaters on the lake.
outhouse for boaters
outhouse for boaters
a tall cliff
tall cliff
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Bighorn Lake and cliffs
Below: The cliff reflected in the water - the photo at the right is just the reflection in the water
Below: Karen Duquette relaxed at the end of a wonderful boating day with fantastic scenery - what a great life!
Karen relaxing
Karen relaxing
sign - leving crow country
sign - leaving Montana

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- the 44th state


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