Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

USA state showing location of Wyoming

in Wyoming - the 44th stateWyoming state flag
September 10, 2009
Wyoming is on Mountain Time Zone
sign - Welcome to Wyoming
sign about Wyoming's wildlife
sign about big horns
Below: Photos Karen Duquette took while Lee Duquette was driving their big RV through Sheridan, Wyoming. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 8.5 square miles of which 8.5 square miles of it is land and 0.04 square miles of it is water.
tower - Sheridan Wyoming welcomes you
tower - Sheridan Wyoming welcomes you
a building
a building

Below: Passing through Sheridan Wyoming, the two RV Gypsies made a brief stop at the Bozeman Trail Overlook.

history bookThe Bozeman Trail began as a gold-rush trail-a shortcut from the main trail on the North Platte River to the gold fields of Montana. The several routes of the trail overlaid earlier Indian, trader and exploration routes in Wyoming and Montana. While only about 3,500 emigrants traversed the trail in 1864-66, its most significant consequence was that it cut through the Powder River Basin, the last and best hunting grounds of the Northern Plains Indians, and led to military occupation of the region and ultimately resulted in the Indian wars on the Northern Plains. After emigrant use ceased, the Trail served as a military road to the forts until it was abandoned in 1868 following the Fort Laramie Treaty. It was used again in 1876 by the forces of General George C. Crook, and shortly after the Battle of the Little Bighorn, the route was opened and used by settlers.
--Susan Badger Doyle

sign about the city of Sheridan
sign about the Bozeman Trail
Below: Scenery from the Bozeman Trail Overlook
scenery in Wyoming
scenery in Wyoming
scenery in Wyoming
The RV of the two RV Gypsies
Below: Big Rocks all over the hillsides - they seemed so out of place to the two RV Gypsies.
big rocks
big rocks
Below: Some kind of storage containers, that appear to be partially built into the hills.
storage containers
storage containers
Below: A lone tree in the middle of little red hills, plus a short row of trees behind a big mound.
little red hills
little red hills
Below: Welcome to Gillette, Wyoming and a metal statue. Gillette is a city in and the county seat of Campbell County, Wyoming, United States. The population was 19,646 at the 2000 census. Gillette is a small city centrally located in an area that is vital to the development of vast quantities of American coal, oil, and coal bed methane gas. The city calls itself the "Energy Capital of the Nation".
sign - welcome to Gillette
art - a statue

Below: Crazy Woman Campground in Gillette. No one was at the office when the two RV Gypsies pulled up. A sign gave two telephone numbers to call to get a site. Both numbers had a voice message on them to leave a message. So the two RV Gypsies just picked an empty site and eventually found someone to pay to park in the campground. No one ever called them back.

There was no TV at sites, but there was cable in the lounge. The lounge and laundry room were combined, and the outside door was always open. There is a hospital adjoining the campground, so the two RV Gypsies sat in a hospital waiting room to watch TV for awhile. Trains could be heard all night long as they passed nearby blowing their very loud whistle. Karen Duquette hates the train noise while they are in a campground. That makes it harder to fall asleep, at least for Karen. Lee Duquette can sleep anytime, anywhere.

sign at Crazy Woman Campground
sign - Crazy Woman Campground
sign - trees N grass over hill
sign Crazy Woman Campground
Below: The new yard of the two RV Gypsies for one night anyway.
the RV of the two RV Gypsies
the RV of the two RV Gypsies
This was just an overnight stop at the campground as the two RV Gypsies head to the Badlands.

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and Badlands National Park


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