The Freedom Rock tells the story of the Freedom Flights and to honor the men and women who have served their country as members of the Armed Forces. The paintings were divided into three themes.
The first theme remembers and honors the members of our Armed Forces
who have sacrificed to defend this great country in the past, in the
present, and will continue to do so in the future. The eagle and flag
are symbols of our nation and our determination to fiercely defend her.
The gold stars are from the WWII monument. Each star represents 100
Americans who died in WWII. The five seals of the military honor the
men and women who have served their country. The POW/MIA flag honors
those who have yet to return home. |
The second theme tells the story and thanks those who organized the Freedom Flights out of Story County. The Story County Freedom Flight honored Story County veterans from WWII, Korea and Vietnam for all of their sacrifices, by sending them to Washington, D.C. to visit their memorials. |
The third theme shows the history of this area and welcomes travelers to Story City. The Large Norseman illustrates the Scandinavian heritage. The ships brought the immigrants to the new world where they established their homes on the prairie. Through the years they cultivated the land and build the community of today. |