Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

at Makoshika State Park - page 2 of 6
The Overlook at Cap Rock Trail

sign: Montana Diosaur Trail at Makoshika State Park

sign about how rock formations began

Before hiking the trail, Karen Duquette photographed some signs that explain the scenery and formations which she also photographed from the top of the trail, and again as they hiked the trail.

sign about geologic columns

sign-formations are 80 million years old

rock formation at Cap Rock Overlook

sign about colors in the rocks

rock formation at Cap Rock Overlook

sign pointing to Cap Rock, the Elves and Baked Potato

Cap Rock formation

rock formation at Cap Rock Overlook rock formation at Cap Rock Overlook

Below: View of part of the trail into the valley below.

overview from the Cap Rock Overlook

Below: Lee Duquette took a panorama from the lookout then the two RV Gypsies descended the stairs to explore the trail and walk on the Natural Bridge.


The two RV Gypsies started down the stairs to begin the loop trail all around the bottom of the valley floor for their up-close looks at the fabulous rock formations, including Cap Rock, the Elves, and of course the Natural Bridge that they want to walk on.

stairs down into the valley stairs down into the valley

As usual, Lee Duquette started down the stairs first, then part way down, he turned and took a photo of Karen Duquette at the top of the stairs.

Karen Duquette at the top of the stairs
look below

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Please continue on to page 3 at Makoshika State Park- Cap Rock Trail down into the valley. Photos have been divided up into several pages to allow faster uploading which will enhance the viewer's experience.