Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

Makoshika State Park - page 3 of 6
The two RV Gypsies hiked down into the valley
on Cap Rock Trail

At the bottom of the staircase into the valley, the two RV Gypsies took a selfie with Cap Rock far up on the hill.

the two RV Gypsies and Cap Rock

There were numbered poles everywhere so Karen Duquette photographed them and hoped they would find out what the numbers represent later. But as it turned out, the park no longer prints or supplies the trail brochure explaining the numbers. Well, at least the numbers helped the two RV Gypsies follow the trail properly so they did not get lost. They were the only two people on the trail at this time.

trail marker number 1

rock formations on the Cap Rock Trail

rock formations on the Cap Rock Trail

rock formations on the Cap Rock Trail

Lee Duquette on the Cap Rock trail

trail marker number 2

Below: Another view of Cap Rock

Cap Rock
trail marker number 3 rock formations on the Cap Rock Trail

The sign at the top of the hill is the sign at the Cap Rock Trail Overlook shown on the previous page. That's how far around the valley the two RV Gypsies have walked so far. But they are no where near the end of the trail.

top of the hill-Cap Rock Trail Overlook
rock formations in Makoshika State Park rock formations in Makoshika State Park
rock formations in Makoshika State Park rock formations in Makoshika State Park
rock formations in Makoshika State Park trail marker number 4

Below: From opposite sides of a small bridge, the two RV Gypsies photographed each other on the small bridge. Cap Rock is far in the background behind Karen Duquette.

Karen Duquette and Cap Rock Lee Duquette on a bridge in Cap Rock Trail

Below: A rock formation and a close up of the colors in the formation.

rock formations in Makoshika State Park colors in the rock formation
Lee Duquette rock formations in Makoshika State Park
rock formations in Makoshika State Park trail marker number 6

Below: Big holes along the trail

big holes along the trail big hole along the trail
Cap Rock Trail at Makoshika State Park
Karen Duquette in Cap Rock Trail at Makoshika State Park Karen Duquette in Cap Rock Trail at Makoshika State Park
Karen Duquette in Cap Rock Trail at Makoshika State Park Karen Duquette in Cap Rock Trail at Makoshika State Park
Lee Duquette in Cap Rock Trail at Makoshika State Park
look below

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Please continue on to page 4 at Makoshika State Park to see the staircase to the top that has the two RV Gypsies crawling. Photos have been divided up into several pages to allow faster uploading which will enhance the viewer's experience.