The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
traveled to Fort Nelson
and enjoyed beautiful scenery
and a hail storm
in British Columbia, Canada
June 13, 2016

As always, the two RV Gypsies were amazed by the beautiful scenery they encounter while traveling in their RV. They will never get tired of fantastic scenery. Eye candy at its best.

amazing scenery curvy roads
water and cliffs - what can eb better a bit of road construction
a steel bridge a giant dude hiding in the bushes
wildlife sign - but no moose

Below: Karen Duquette really loves photographing "roller coaster roads" that can be seen for miles and miles ahead.

a big dip roller coaster orads

what?The driving weather was fine up until the time that Lee Duquette stopped to put diesel in the RV. Then SUDDENLY, it started to HAIL on Lee. Karen Duquette quickly passed an umbrella out the RV door to him, as they both laughed their heads off. As soon as the two RV Gypsies hit the road again, the HAIL stopped.

Say What?what?

a weird gas station laughing critterLee Duquette getting hailed upon
Lee Duquette getting hailed upon hail on Lee Duquette's umbrella

Below: Time for Lee Duquette to drive on the curvy roller coaster roads again. Because there was hardly ever any traffic, this was actually fun. After some of the dips, as the road went upwards again, Karen Duquette raised her hands in the air just as she does on real rollercoasters. Lee laughed at her.

roller coaster road curvy roller coaster road

A bear along the road.

A bear along the road. A bear along the road.

sign: Northern Rockies

sign: Welcome to Fort Nelson

Below: Triple G Hideaway RV Park. Check out the gun on the doorway.

Triple G Hideaway RV Park office

gun handle on the door of the office

Standard campground rules seemed to apply here, although the two RV Gypsies did not receive any paperwork from the office. Wi-Fi came in at the site of the two RV Gypsies, but it was super slow and unsecured. A few TV stations came in through the campground cable system. The two RV Gypsies got a 30 amp site, full hook-up. The campground had a laundry room, washrooms, restaurant and saloon, but the two RV Gypsies did not use any of those things.

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