Menu for the two RV Gypsies Adventures
in Alberta, Canada
June 1, 2016 - June 10, 2016
You may visit these sites in any order you choose.

The two RV Gypsies drove from Montana USA into Alberta, Canada - June 1

The Great Canadian Barn Dance and RV Park - June 1

Waterton Lakes National Park and Red Rock Canyon - 3 pages

Bison Paddock Circle Drive - June 2

Head-Smashed-in Buffalo Jump - 2 pages

Mountain View Campground in Calgary - June 3

Calgary, Alberta, Canada - June 3 - 6

The Calgary Tower and the glass floor - June 3

Sien Lok Park in Calgary - June 3

Segway tour in Calgary (#15) and Prince's Island Park - June 5

The Peace Bridge in Calgary

Skyline Luge - two pages - June 5

St. Albert Kinsmen RV Park in St. Albert - June 8

Segway tour (#16) in Edmonton - June 8

The City of Edmonton and The Shaw Center - June 8 - 9

Edmonton Mall: largest shopping mall in No. America - 3 pages - June 9


Sherk's RV Park in Valleyview - June 10 & again on August 18

Glowing Embers RV Park

The Dragon Longboat Festival - August 20, 2016

Edmonton Segway tour number 2 - same company, different route - August 20, 2016

downtown Edmonton - August 20, 2016

Balzac RV Park in Airdrie - August 21, 2016

look below

go to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesAFTER you have seen all of Alberta, Canada, please continue on to British Columbia, Canada