Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers at

Branch Brook Campground
435 Watertown Road
Thomaston, Connecticut
in 2008, 2013, and 2014

The entrance / exit to the campground is like a Y - All areas of the Y are narrow with only enough width for one RV at a time, but that's okay because the two top arms of the Y are one-way. The only part that is a 2-way area is the bottom part of the Y, so RVs must be careful at the point, but it is a short distance with good visibility. However, the turn from the road into the campground is a sharp turn that is a bit difficult. Photos are shown below the comments, so be sure to scroll all the way down this page.

Thomaston, Connecticut 06787

After paying $40 a night to camp here, the two RV Gypsies hooked up and read the campground rules. In their opinion, there's a lot of negative rules and EXTRA COSTS. But it is a decent campground. Besides, there are not a lot of campgrounds in the area. (Prices may have changed since the two RV Gypsies have been here and have most likely been raised).


Price of site is for 1 family. $5.00 EXTRA per night for adults, $2.00 EXTRA for children. My question is "What constitutes a family?" Maybe they mean just a husband and wife - no kids ????

No Electric Grills or Electric Heaters. $2.50 EXTRA PER DAY to use your AIR CONDITIONING.

VISITORS: There is a $2 charge per adult and $1 charge per child for daily visits. Overnight costs are $5 per adult and $3 per child. This pertains to seasonal children and grandchildren. (We came here to visit relatives and wanted them to come to the campground just to see our RV, not to stay a long time; just to see what our RV looks like - so we were NOT happy with this cost, although it is understandable if outsiders come and use the pool).

Washing vehicles IS NOT permitted, which is standard at most campgrounds.

NO solid rugs outside that do not let the grass come through (an understandable rule). Our site had mostly dirt - hard to keep the inside clean. If you eat at the outside picnic table, your feet could be in dirt. Luckily, the two RV Gypsies seldom eat outside in the campground.

We got a metered site in order to have 50 amp and full-hook-ups, which means we pay more money for using electricity. The 30 amp sites are not metered, but they pay a certain amount per day if they use air conditioners.

NO clotheslines, No outside refrigerators. No Loud Radio's (no objection on this rule).

Lots of other rules about children, fireplaces, pets, outside lights, conserving electricity, and more. Some good, some not so great. The most rules and EXTRA CHARGES we have gotten so far in a campground.

Many sites did NOT have cable TV and did not get TV reception. (Didn't know this in advance in 2008). In 2014, the two RV Gypsies paid the extra money for the cable TV box, and lots of TV stations came in well. However, it is a box that has to be hooked up to the TV, which is a bit of work. Most campgrounds just have cable that plugs into a box outside and is real fast and easy to do.

In 2014, the campground had Wi-Fi, that had a code. It worked very fast most of the time.

Branch Brook Campground in 2008
AWO - campsite & RV of the two RV Gypsies
AWO - campsite and RV of the two RV Gypsies

Below: A brook at Branch Brook Campground

brook at Branch Brook Campground
brook at Branch Brook Campground

The pool at Branch Brook Campground - no hot tub - Of course the pool was closed off-season, which is standard for most campgrounds.

Pool at Branch Brook Campground
Below; Branch Brook Campground in 2013 - nice fall foliage
tree across the street from the RV of the two RV Gypsies
fall foliage in Branch Brook Campground

Below; The yard of the two RV Gypsies in their favorite site #43 at Branch Brook Campground. The yellow tree above is the view looking across the street from the front of their RV. Unfortunately, when the two RV Gypsies returned here in 2014, they were told that this site is now for permanent RVs only. Bummer!

The yard of the two RV Gypsies in their favorite site #43
Lee Duquette enjoying Branch Brook Campground

Below: Standing in front of the the two RV Gypsies' RV, the edge of the pool can he seen.

the pool at Branch Brook Campground

Below: After a full day of rain on October 7, 2013, the yard of the two RV Gypsies was full of fall leaves that fell from the tree.

the yard of the two RV Gypsies full of fall leaves
Below; Branch Brook Campground in 2014 - site number 1 - a nice site.
the yard of the two RV Gypsies in 2014
the yard of the two RV Gypsies in 2014

September 14, 2014 - Lee Duquette is never cold, but for some reason, he sat outside on a very cold day and was cold. The weather was unseasonably cold for this time of year. Karen Duquette thought he was nuts.

the yard of the two RV Gypsies in 2014
Lee Duquette outside freezing

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Stratford, CT

Branch Brook Campground
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