love meet Karen and Lee Duquette's great-grandson - AnthonyLove
Karen and Lee Duquette with Anthony - day 1
Anthony at ten weeks old
the two RV Gypsies with their great-grandson


Anthony Brian at ten weeks old
Anthony at 4 months old - January 2010
Anthony Brian
Anthony Brian
Below: Anthony licking his cake plate - 7 months old April 2010
Anthony Brian eating his cake
Below: Karen Duquette and her great-grandson, Anthony - April 2010
Karen Duquette and Anthony Brian
Below: Anthony is 8 months old
and a very happy baby.
Karen Duquette and her great-grandson, Anthony
Anthony Brian
Anthony Brian and Karen Duquette
Below: Anthony - July 2010 - age 10 months
the great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies
the great-grandson of the two RV Gypsiesthe great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies
Below: Anthony turned one year old in 2011
Anthony Brian turns one (1) year old
Anthony Brian turns one (1) year old
Anthony Brian turns one (1) year oldAnthony Brian turns one (1) year old
Anthony Brian turns one (1) year old
Anthony Brian turns one (1) year old
Anthony Brian turns one (1) year old
October 24, 2011
November 23, 2011
- first haircut
Anthony Brian
Anthony Brian

Anthony and his great-grandfather, Lee Duquette - December 2011- 15 months

Lee Duquette and his great-grandson
Lee Duquette and his great-grandson
January 2012 - age 16 months
cake face
icee face
Below: Anthony made friends with the Anthony in the mirror
Anthony likes the Anthony in the mirror
Anthony likes the Anthony in the mirror
March 2012 - age 18 months
dirty face
St. Patrick's Day 2012
May 2012 - age 20 months
St. Patrick's Day 2012
playing outside

Below: Lee Duquette and his great-grandson

Below: Anthony with one of the 3 dogs.

Lee Duquette and his great-grandson, Anthony Brian
the great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies and one of his dogs
Karen Duquette and her great-grandson, Anthony Brian
the great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies

Christmas 2012

the great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies
Lee Duquette and his great-grandson, Anthony Brian
Below: Anthony- age 2-1/2 - March 2013
the Great=Grandson of the two RV Gypsies

Below: Family members have often stated that they think Anthony is afraid of heights. But he worked really hard at climbing up this pole and was so proud of himself as he called himself a "big boy now". Look at the determination in his eyes and the pleased look of success on his face. (yes, of course he outgrow that fear as he got a bit older)

The great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies
The great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies
The great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies
face into the camera

Below: Muscle Man Anthony - March 29, 2014 - age 3-1/2

Muscle Man Anthony
Lee Duquette and his great-grandson
It is extremely difficult for the two RV Gypsies to leave Broward and their family while they travel in their RV. That is the only part of being an RVer that makes the two RV Gypsies sad.

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