Karen Duquette visited Monkey Island while on a Tour in Colon, Panama
October 29, 2009
Monkey Island Tour sign Karen Duquette in a lifejacket
Karen Duquette and others on the boat

Below: Line dancer, Bonnie Deeds and her husband (She is happy now, but NOT on the way home, just because of a little bit of rain)

Line dancer, Bonnie Deeds and her husband Line dancer, Bonnie Deeds and her husband

Below: Scenery on the way

Colen scenery Colen scenery
sign cargo ship
cargo ship cargo ship
another tourist boat Colon scenery
Colon scenery Colon scenery
Below: Bonnie Deeds Below: A sloth in a tree
Bonnie Deeds a sloth in a tree

Below: The tour boat pulled into a docking space and several monkeys came onto the bow of the boat. The boat driver fed the monkeys. Passengers were allowed to take photos, but had to remain in their seat. Luckily, Karen Duquette sat towards the bow of the boat, so it was easy for her to take photos.

monkey in a tree monkey in a tree

Below: Karen Duquette was advised to remove her hat because the monkeys might steal it. Karen Duquette was seated in the front of the boat, so unfortunately for other passengers, the back of her head was in many photos, as shown below. (Her friends gave Karen copies of their photos).  

Karen Duquette and the monkies Karen Duquette and the monkies
monkey in the tree monkey in the tree
monkey on the boat monkey on the boat
monkey on the boat monkey on the boat
monkey on the boat monkey on the boat
monkey on the boat the boat driver feeding the monlkey
monkey on the boat monkey on the boat
monkey on the boat

Continue on to Embera Village and the natives, who danced and demonstrated their culture.