The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
2180 Tanana Drove
August 2, 2009
call '907.474.7222 for days and hours that it may be open

Georgeson Botanical Garden is known for its abundance of herbs, ornamental trees, vegetables and flowers that flourish within 100 miles of the Arctic Circle. The farthest-north botanical garden, Georgeson is well-known for its work with peonies, which bloom in June and July, as well as its research, education and outreach about high-latitude horticulture.

The reason the two RV Gypsies went to the Botanical Gardens in Fairbanks, Alaska was because of the advertisements about the GIANT fruits and vegetables. But it was apparently off-season for the giant goodies, except for the cabbage. But the gardens were nice, but far from the best gardens they have ever been to.
Below: Alaska's state flower, the Forget-Me-Not apparently comes in different sizes and colors.
Below: red currant
Below: a green pumpkin

Menu for the two RV Gypsies in Fairbanks, Alaska
August 1 - 5, 2009
You may visit these five sites in any order you choose.

bullet Georgeson Botanical Gardens (this page)

bullet Pioneer Park

bullet Riverboat Discovery Cruise and an Athabaskan Fish Camp

bullet El Dorado Gold Mine and a $40,000 gold nugget

bullet Fairbanks, bowl carving, old cars, family

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go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies in AlaskaAFTER you have viewed all five (5) sections above, please continue on to Chena Hot Springs, horseback riding, the Ice Museum/Hotel and more.


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